Chapter 2: A New Friend

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(Just so you know the pic above is my Kaminari cosplay.  If you want you can go follow my tiktok @denkisimp16! Now to the story.)
Kamanari’s P.O.V. 
    We had been hearing rumors throughout class 1-A that they were going to replace Mineta in class, but we didn’t know if any of them were true until the day we got back from a break a new purple-haired man walked into class we all knew him because of the Sports festival where he almost beat Midoriya in a minute flat until Midoriya broke out of his mind control and won the match there and then.  Oh!  Ya sorry I got off-topic being at this school has been so cool, but I was a bit disappointed when Mineta got expelled he was actually kinda my friend even though most people only knew of him as a creep he was pretty cool and he could do some real damage when he needed too.  But anyway Shinso seems pretty cool so maybe we’ll become friends then we can hang out like Mineta and I used to but different ya know because he’s a different person.  After that long and boring class, I went to the dorms and changed then I went down to the common room to see if there were any snacks I could take and blame Sero for again when I saw Shinso who had just seemed to have gotten back, so I figured I'd go over and say hi and see if he wanted to hang out mainly because I was bored and he seems cool.  

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