Ch. 48 Getting Ready

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"Nope, they're perfectly safe." He reassured him, grabbing the box and handing it over.

"Oh yay!"

Mitch gave the box a kiss and ran into the living room, sitting on the couch. He happily put his boots on and gave a little twirl.

"Happy now?" Kirstie asked with a chuckle.

"Very happy. I look amazing!" Mitch posed in front of the full length mirror, left behind from when he put on the maid's costume, and winked at his reflection. He caught sight of his nails and frowned a little. "I'm gonna need another manicure soon. The polish is already starting to chip."

"I think it goes with the outfit. Like how your shirt makes the necklace pop." Kirstie offered.

"Yeah, do you like it? I stole it from a jewelry display."

"What's wrong with that sentence?" Kevin asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"What you said about your necklace."

Mitch thought back to what he said and played the sentence over again in his head. He was silent for a minute, trying to figure out what Kevin meant.

"I don't get it, I was grammatically correct... I think."

"You know what? Nevermind."

Kevin decided to let it go, not wanting to give himself a headache so early in the morning.

"Estranho... Anyway! I'm gonna spend the day at the mall and it's gonna be great!~"

"Wait, you got all dressed up just so you could go to the mall?"



"Uh, duh. Because when you have a new outfit you wanna show off, you show it off at the mall. You're showing random strangers who you'll never see again that you're better than them, and if you're experimenting with something new that doesn't work out the way you planned, again, they're random strangers who you'll never see again."

"You've got this all figured out, don't you?" Todrick asked, and Mitch chuckled.

"Of course, and I can't wait to take these boots for a spin."

"Mind if... I come with you to the mall?" Kirstie wondered. "I don't have anything else to do and last time I was there, I saw some cute earrings I wanna try on."

"Sure, but you gotta dress nice."

"Aren't you the one who wants to show off your outfit?" Todrick thought aloud, confused.

"Well yeah, but I can't show up with someone who's not dressed as nice as me. That's not how it goes."

"And how does it go, exactly?" Kevin pressed, and Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Geez, do you guys live under a rock?" He asked, then he sighed, ready to explain. "Okay, this is what you do. You show up to the mall with people who are dressed nice so when you go in, people see you all together and notice you're all wearing fabulous outfits. You have to look nice together as a group. Then you split up so people can see how nice you look on your own, and admire the different outfits up close.

"After that, you group up again when you're done looking around or whatever, and leave the mall together, with onlookers having a newfound appreciation of how amazing everyone looks. Individually and together. I can't show up with people who look like they just crawled out of a dumpster, that'd ruin the whole thing!"

"Okay, first of all, I only look like this because I woke up ten minutes ago and haven't brushed my hair yet." Kristie argued. "And secondly... that's actually a pretty cool idea. I'll be sure to put some nice clothes on."

"And I'll be sure to judge if they actually look nice or not." He told her, and Kirstie playfully rolled her eyes and went upstairs to get ready. Mitch turned his attention to Todrick and Kevin. "Wanna come? I'll judge your outfits, too."

"As fascinating as that sounds," Todrick paused to stretch. "I think I'll stay here. I want to clean my grandma's TV so our hands won't get so dirty when Kevin and I are fixing it up."

"Your loss. What about you, Kevin?"

"Um... sure. Why not?" He shrugged. "I can pick up a few things for the TV while I'm there."

"Boring! Anyway, go get dressed. I can't wait to make you change like fifty times."

Kevin sighed and started heading upstairs.

"Alright, let's just get this over with."


A/N Slightly shorter chapter today, but only because the next two will be longer. For realsies, I pinky promise. Anyway, let me know what you thought in the comments and don't forget to boop that little vote button with your nose. Love you all! BAIII!!!!~

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