Ch. 48 Getting Ready

Start from the beginning

"Hey, did you know Mitch was awake?" He asked.

"Yep, surprisingly he was up before me." Todrick told him, handing over the coffee he made him. "The sun hadn't even risen yet."

"Really? Wasn't he complaining about waking up early yesterday?"

"Yeah, but to be fair, I think that was because he was forced to wake up early. This time he was able to get up on his own accord."

"Makes sense." Kevin paused to sip his coffee. "Wow, this is really good."

"It's been a while since I've made you a cup, hasn't it? Figured out my secret ingredient yet?"

"Hmm..." Kevin took another sip. "You mixed the vanilla and hazelnut coffee creamers."

"I said 'secret' ingredient. I told you that before we left high school."

"Alright, alright. Give me another chance, I'm still waking up." He chuckled, taking another sip.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Mitch was just getting out of the shower and drying off. He had put on some underwear and was drying his hair when Kirstie walked into the bathroom.

"OH! My gosh! Why don't you have the door closed?!" She exclaimed, shielding her eyes.

"Oh cale-se, I'm wearing underwear." He said with an eyeroll. "Besides, I'm making the fog from the mirror go away."

"Why are you up so early? Don't you like sleeping in?"

"Todrick already asked me that, and I'm about to put on an outfit that goes with my boots. Ooh! Wanna see it?"

"Uh... sure?"

Mitch grabbed her wrist and dragged her back into the room. He finally got dressed and showed off his outfit.

"So? What do you think?"

Mitch struck a pose as Kirstie inspected his clothes. He wore black pants that had silver chains and buckles on them, a black shirt with long sleeve fishnets, and a silver heart necklace that had the word 'bitch' engraved in it.

"Wow. That's just... wow."

"Speechless, huh? I get it." He smirked before putting on a thinking face. "Hmm... it's still missing something."

"Your boots?"

"No shit. I mean something to really tie the outfit together..." Mitch was quiet, his eyes roaming around the room until they landed on his backpack. "I got it!"

He ran over to the bag and dug through it for a bit until he finally found what he was looking for. Pulling it out, Kirstie saw it was a plain black jacket. With a grin, Mitch stood back up and tied it around his waist.

"There! Now it gives the illusion that I'm also wearing a skirt." He explained, sounding rather proud of himself. He swayed his hips to demonstrate and Kirstie let out a giggle. "Now, time to complete my outfit."

Mitch lead the way downstairs, sliding down the railing and going into the kitchen.

"Did you... wait, did you mix it with hot chocolate?" Kevin asked Todrick.

"Yep! Well, this time I did. That's not the secret ingredient but I'm glad it worked out."

They chuckled to themselves as Mitch and Kirstie joined them.

"Woah..." Kevin mumbled, looking at Mitch's outfit.

"It's okay, you can say it. I know I look hot." He smirked, then he turned to Todrick. "I'm ready for my boots!~ You didn't let anyone touch them, did you?"

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