46| a big fucking lie

Start from the beginning

"That's an interesting topic. At least you didn't spend hours listening to Freud's theory" Something told me Stensby didn't do that great by the face he made when he told me Professor Dillehunt returned his exam. "How did you do?"

"Freud's theory will be discussed in next week's lecture. I was thinking about emailing Professor Dillehunt a medical excuse for the week. What sounds better? A cold or conjunctivitis?" Stensby pauses. "And I got a 71%."

Typical athlete behavior. I roll my eyes at my best friend. "When are you going to stop taking advantage of your privileges Cameron Stensby?"

"You're being an unnecessary pain in my ass Everest Green," Stensby rolls his eyes. "I'm not taking advantage of anything. It's not my fault that Sexton writes medical excuses for me anytime I ask for them. And you know you would do the same. Professor Dillehunt's voice is like Emerson's, the only difference is that it's ten times worse."

"I'm glad I am, somebody has to keep you and Peyton in check," I say. "And I don't think so Cameron, you must have me confused with someone else."

"You say it like it's a bad thing," Stensby pauses. "And I'm pretty sure I don't. If I remember correctly I had to excuse you from one of Emerson's lectures so you could sneak off with Connery to God knows where."

Oops. I had forgotten about that one. "It was just the one time. And I will let you know that we had some important business to take care of."

"Speaking of business," Stensby pauses as he starts to pull out something from his backpack. My jaw instantly dropped. "I found this under my bed and I thought you might want it back."

So that's where my wine-colored bra went. I had been looking for it for the longest time. "Stensby! What the hell? Couldn't you just wait until we got into my car?"

My cheeks flushed as I saw people staring because of the very embarrassing conversation I was having with my best friend. I quickly grabbed my bra from Stensby's hands and I put it away in my backpack. "I could've but where's the fun in that Ev?"

Stensby laughs and I roll my eyes at my best friend as we continued to walk through campus. We got in my car once we reached the parking lot of the Engineering building where my car was currently parked. I had practice in twenty minutes and so did Stensby so I was going to drop him off at the baseball stadium since it was on the same route as the BGU pavilion.

After I dropped Stensby off at the baseball stadium I headed to the BGU pavilion. I honestly was dreading today's practice. We moved on to the next round and as we progressed practice was only going to get more intense. All eyes were on us and the pressure was now more intense than ever. You would expect the media to react positively to our win last week but oh how contrary the response was.

Instead of receiving praise just like the rest of the teams in the league, we were only questioned. We've seen this before. Can we really count on BGU to get the job done? Is Coach Jennings nearing the end of his coaching career? Are the swimmers the problem or is it the coaching staff? What will become of BGU if they fall short this season? And so on.

Coach Jennings was fuming the next morning when we were on our way back to Bowling. They have never questioned him or his coaching abilities before, but with all the buzz around our comeback season, it was inevitable.

I spotted Connery grabbing his swimming equipment out of the trunk of his car and I parked my car next to his. When he noticed, a smile curved on his lips and he walked up to my car. He opened the door for me and when I got out of the car, he instantly pulled me in for a hug. "Hey baby girl, I missed you today."

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