Chapter 2, P10 - The answer

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He never stopped thinking about it. That's all he could focus on after that shocking reveal from Rox. His plan included the answer to his offer, that's why he decided to contact Olan and have a second meeting just the two of them.


It didn't matter how much he went over the pros and cons. He couldn't pick a side. It was frustrating, shameful and so irritating.

"Are you listening to me?"

The panda was deeply absorbed in his monologue, Isabelle's words were utterly ignored.

Nova continued to focus on what he was supposed to do, increasing the stress levels inside of him.

"I've never seen him so hungry!" Marvin said, cheering his son that promptly scarfed down all the food on the table.

Isabelle didn't like that and moved away the next victim Nova set his sight on. "This isn't right! He's clearly stress eating. Please talk to us."

"...huh?" Nova woke up the moment his food was out of reach. "I was about to eat that."

"Isa!" Marvin complained, "why are you stopping him? Don't you see that he's hungry?"

"He shouldn't be after all the food he ate so far!" The polar bear sighed, "listen... are you doing ok? Yesterday we left things hanging and I didn't have the courage to pick it up again but now Marvin's also here. Let's have a nice, calming conversation."

Nova realized that she believed him to be upset about her lie, which he was, but that's not what was eating him inside and him revealing the truth wasn't a good idea.

In the end Nova considered this his little revenge. He was about to do what she did to him.

"I... don't feel like talking about it."

Marvin took a sip from his coffee, "son, hear me out. I know your mom did something you think it's unfair and maybe it was but she did that out of love, even if that meant you'd be hating her as a result."

Nova looked away, "I don't hate her."

"Me and your dad talked yesterday. I was feeling a bit down. What Marvin said it's correct but knowing that I made you sad was killing me. I had to do something to support you."

"We decided to cut your punishment short." Marvin chimed in, "you're not the only one who compared it to what you did and we hope to start building back each other's trust little by little."

"When I was younger you said that grandma passed because she was old but that's not what truly killed her." Nova was still coming to terms with the truth. The more he learned the worse it got. "It was the heirloom that killed her, wasn't it?"

Isabelle took a deep breath. She wanted to be the one to say it. She made sure to hold her husband back, looking eager to cover for her. "Yes, you're right. The heirloom once created starts absorbing the soul of its creator, shortening their lifespan little by little. Mom was tough though, she saw you growing up, taught you how to fight and handle yourself and yet she couldn't live long enough to witness the accident. I'm sure she would have done better than me."

"Grandma was sweet, kind and caring. I don't like this. I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted her to see me more, guiding me more but instead she died to protect me. Why...? She could've protected me by staying here, being alive and well. I don't get it."

"I tried. I have said similar things but she just laughed it off, called herself an old pebble who had nothing to lose." Isabelle's painful memories awoke her tears who slowly streamed down her cheeks, "in that moment I shouted back you may not lose anything but I will. I don't want to lose someone I love."

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