Chapter 49 - The Battle

Start from the beginning

"Celeste, don't be like that. I'm only trying to help, I just want to-" Draco started.

"Don't fucking touch me" I cut him off, smoothing down my wrinkled clothing. Daphne and Astoria stirred in their bed but didn't wake from the sudden noise we were making.

"Don't do this" Draco stammered, reaching out to hold my arms still but I knocked him away again.

"Listen to me," I glowered, "don't come near me, I don't want your help. I don't care if I was on my death bed you would be last person I'd want help from"

Draco retreated, sitting back down on his chair looking defeated. I could tell he was trying to keep his usual air of confidence about him, he could never let that brake, but he was failing miserably as his eyes became bleary again.

"If this is about your parents I had nothing to do with it" he said quietly, looking down at his wand again rather than at me.

"Don't you dare talk about my parents" I cried, brandishing my wand and aiming it for his neck. Draco let out a startled whimper and his breathing began to falter.

"You spent time with me for months, Draco. Letting me sleep with you while you knew what my brother was going to do to them. How could you?" my voice shook, I'd never quite come to terms with it myself and suddenly it was all pouring out of me. Tears began to trickle down my cheeks and I cursed them for making me look weak in front of him.

"I never, Celeste. Please. I never knew what he was going to do" Draco pleaded.

"Save it" I laughed, pressing the tip of wand against his throat, "I bet you loved it, knowing you could still have me despite all the pain it would cause. Well, you got what you wanted"

"I didn't" Draco stammered out, his voice hoarse from the pressure on his windpipe, "I didn't get what I wanted at all"

I knew exactly what he meant, I'd known it for a long time but it was strange to hear him say it out loud. That he wanted me. But it didn't change what he'd done, what he'd kept hidden from me.

"I have done some terrible things I know that, but how could I do that to you?" Draco said, his voice shaking just as much as mine, "I would have told you, I would have warned you, I swear"

Something in his voice begged me to believe him, just as it had when Narcissa had told me the same thing. But I didn't trust him and I certainly couldn't forgive him, not now. Not while this anger was still so prevalent in my body. His words meant nothing if he wasn't going to show it.

"Oh fuck off, Draco" I sighed, tears still spilling down my cheeks. I shut my eyes tightly and steadied my breathing, picturing our dorm room clearly in my mind. The last thing I heard before I was pulled to my desired location was Draco's shouts of "No, Celeste you can't"

But it was too late. The searing pain was back and it radiated through my entire body this time, as my feet met with the smooth hard floor for our dormitory. I managed to drag myself to a bed and collapse on its soft surface, clutching at my arm feverishly. I fumbled through my collection of Potions that I'd lined neatly in a small case. I'd been collecting and storing them away after lessons or during practises for emergencies and this certainly seemed like one.

My hands finally found the small bottle of prepared Dittany and unravelled the bandage from my arm. A wound that resembled a strange spiral shape was beginning to open as the scab cracked away where it had already been repaired once already. I uncorked the bottle of liquified Dittany and splashed it over the injury. The scabs immediately closed again, stemming the flow of blood and the pain subsided substantially.

Over the coming days my arm began to heal, but much slower than it should have done when applying Dittany once a day. I could only assume it was due to opening the wound twice, my potion was having to work twice as hard to heal it completely.

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