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It was a sunny day.

Like the previous day and everyday before that one.

The girl could see light streaming through the window if she strained her neck to the right, catching a glimpse of the burning sky outside.

She had been restrained, again, for what made it the forth time; if her memory served her correctly, which sometimes she doubted was true.

The sunlight seemed to mock her as she laid in the stupid pristine white bed, boredom eating away every other thought from her mind.

The girl did not move, did not try to break out. She had already tried and failed, and tried and failed, time and time again...

But with nothing else to do, except stare at that tall clear ceiling, her mind was free to wander.

And, that was exactly what she didn't want to happen. She didn't want to face the questions that haunted her day and night, for however long she had been trapped in that ridiculously clean white room, ever since she had been saved; as they liked to remind her.

Ugh, she just wanted to spit in their stupid faces.

But she was tired... so tired of fighting, and she knew she was giving up. She was losing her will to fight.

Then, she was angry at herself... again.

She had to keep trying. She had to get out of there. If there was a time to fight, that was it.

But she had already tried. She had fought, and ran and tried to claw her way out, which had only resulted in more frecuent electric shocks and being restrained for five consecutive days. She couldn't break out. She didn't know how.

Besides, even if she managed to, where would she go?

She didn't even know if there was anything to go back to. Or anyone...

Dark almond eyes and honey brown...


For all she knew, they were dead.

So much time had passed... She couldn't afford to think about them.

She had, at first, when she had woken up in that place to the Doctors kindly explaining to her how they had restored her blood and cured her wounds, saving her life. They had said she was special, that she could help them save a lot of people's lifes. That they were going to take care of her.

So, she had trusted them, at first. But they wouldn't answer any of her questions. They would simply act like she hadn't spoken when she asked about the Maze, or her friends... And the tests they put her through were tiring and painful, even if she didn't remember anything but the sting of needles and bright lights afterwards. They always left her feeling exhausted and sore and, when she had refused to keep doing them, they had forced her anyway.

So she had cried... A lot. And she had thought about her friends and begged, prayed for them to be alive, to come save her.

But they didn't. She knew they wouldn't. Even if they were alive, she wasn't, not for them. They didn't know she had lived.

So she had cried, and she had fought, and she had resisted their testing. But she hadn't achieved anything, except being put under constant vigilance and her every move being monitored.

She didn't even know if those were the same people that had put her in the Maze. As far as she knew, those people had been killed.

Whatever the case, these people weren't any better. Maybe they were part of WICKED, maybe not, but they didn't care about her or her wellbeing. The just wanted her alive to do their little tests.

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