Chapter 27

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This is a bad idea. This is a really bad idea.

Eleanor's flight response had been triggered as soon as she saw the Keeper of the Builders. She had been waiting around for twenty minutes for him to be alone, observing as they managed to stick two large poles on the ground in front of the West Door of the Maze. Eleanor's stomach had flipped. They were really planning on doing it.

Her wait was proving to be useless. The older boy seemed to be constantly surrounded by his minions. She was sure she wouldn't get him to talk to her if he was always surrounded by all his brutish friends but she didn't have much time. The minutes were ticking by and she knew she had to act fast.

The girl observed the Glade from behind a group of trees and she doubted that disguise would last for long. She was bound to be spotted sooner or later.

Perhaps, she could go back to the group and ask one of the boys to get Gally alone with some made-up excuse. Although she knew that would most definitely mean getting on the Builder's bad side.

She looked around, hoping for a solution to magically appear.

Then, she checked the time.


It was late, very late.

Although the light in the Glade hadn't changed at all, the rest of the Gladers were organizing for the night. She didn't have much time until they went looking for the Greenies.

No chance of doing it in secret then.

The girl stepped out of the cover the trees had offered and waited, her gaze set on the tall blonde. She tried to slow down her breathing as her heart pounded in her ears.

After everything she had endured, how could she feel so terrified of having a simple conversation?

Finally, and luckly for her, before anyone else could, he noticed her.

He went still for a second.

She waited and forced herself not to look away.

The Keeper said something to the boy next to him and started walking her way.

She inhaled and stepped back inside the protection of the trees, fighting the urge to run away.

"What is it?" He spat as soon as she became visible again.

Eleanor braced herself. However, he looked tired and seemed less angry than usual. The girl avoided his gaze and took a deep breath, telling herself that he hadn't dismissed her straight away. It wasn't the worst starting point.

"You know why I'm here." She said.

He wasn't an idiot. She knew that.

"If you expect me to follow that Shank and watch everyone get killed-" He did sound angry.

She shook her head.

"I don't expect you to agree with me." She explained honestly. She knew that was a lost cause. "I just-"

She tried to reorder her thoughts.

"Gally," She forced herself to look up at him, "Don't be the bad guy."

His gaze locked into hers as he furrowed his brows, a flash of hurt slipping through his facade.

"I'm not-" He spat, "They have you convinced that I'm some monster, that they are saints. I could tell you stories about your little friends that would... You don't know what happened before and- Thomas is the worst of them! He is bad. They are going to get us all killed. Can't you see that? I'm not the bad guy here. The shucking Greenie is!"

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