Chapter 2

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Fainting is a very strange thing to go through. You can be unconcious for hours and feel like only seconds have passed by. Or, you can be unconcious for seconds and feel like it had been hours. You're not completely blacked out either. 

Eleanor saw images fly by her, memories or dreams. Either way, none of it stuck. To her, it felt like no time went by but, at the same time, felt like so many things had happened.

So when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the sky had just started turning orange and she was lying on the same place she had just been standing moments ago with Newt.

Then, she realized she had fainted.

"Eleanor!" Newt's voice sounded, making her turn to look at him

He was crouched, hovering over her figure. His voice sounded familiar to her as he said her name and she realized she might have heard him calling out for her in her dream-like state.

Eleanor sat up onto her elbow so she was eye-level with him.

Since she didn't respond, he spoke again. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah..." She said quickly.

She could feel her cheeks heating up, she had actually fainted. She felt utterly embarrased.
Sure, those things were terrifying but Newt sure as hell didn't look like he had ever fainted.

"Yes." She announced more firmly.

She was quick to stand up, eager to forget about the whole thing.

Newt stood up along with her, his gaze not missing a single movement she made. Surprisingly, his eyes weren't mocking, they showed concern. That only heightened her embarrasment.

As soon as she was on her feet, she realized something was wrong.

The world started circling around her and she was quick to close her eyes, expecting the impact of the cold ground once again. But the impact never came.

Newt's arms wrapped around her waist hoisting her up as she fell on his chest.

What is with me and falling on boys chest? She thought.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Eleanor looked up at his concerned face, her chin resting on his chest. "When was the last time you ate?"

She simply shrugged, knowing she shouldn't have skipped dinner the previous night.

They separated but he grabbed a hold of her arm, tuggin her along with him gently. His eyes never left her as if he was worried she might faint again.

Eleanor's cheeks were burning up as he led her in what she asumed was the direction of the kitchen.

When they arrived a few boys were scrambled around eating breakfast. It seemed too early though.

"Why are they awake so early?" She felt brave enough to ask.

He sat her down on a bench in front of a table and held up his hands, as if to say wait here, and left her there.

Eleanor huffed in annoyance, her head feeling heavy and dizzy. She couldn't make sense of anything surrounding her since she had come out of that box. And those boys seemed to have all the answers but decided to conceal them from her.

Across the room a familiar face caught her eye. He smiled as he spotted her looking and winked in return.

Eleanor imediately hid her face, letting her damp hair cascade around her head, red flush invading her cheeks.

When she dared to look up again, he was making his way over to her.

Oh no! She thought.

Eleanor didn't know what to make of him. He hadn't exactly been nice when they had met.

Dark Enough -TMR- ( COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ