Invisible Child

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Which was a good thing as the day passed as if it were a montage. Tommy still felt side effects of the sleeping draught and fell asleep in the middle of a transfiguration exam. He knocked over a whole shelf of awards in the Trophy Room while Professor Binns was showing them its history. Not to mention he nearly fell of the astronomy tower because someone knocked him over during Muggle Studies when the Professor was showing them telescopes from the Muggle World, luckily Ranboo managed to pull him back to safety. 

Yeah, what a day. 

He can't wait to get back to his dorms to change before dinner, but apparently, the universe wasn't done with him yet.

"Oh, will you look here," two seventh year Slytherins approached Tommy, blocking his way.

Oh for fucks's sake. Tommy glared at the two. These were the ones who'd ambush him back down by the Hufflepuff common room entrances, he never learned their names, but honestly, why would he even bother?

"I'm not in the mood," Tommy said, pushing through them.

"Ohoho," one of them laughed, grabbing Tommy by the shoulder. "You think you can just walk away from us like that?" 

"Yeah, what? Are you going back to your room to oversleep again?" the other asked. "Heard you had a pretty tasty pastry last night."

Tommy turned to look at the guy, "How the fuck do you know about that?" He asked.

"Ahh, who do you think gave your dumbass roommates the pastries in the first place?" The first guy asked.

"Oh, don't forget, you have detention because of stealing from store room again? Heard that sleeping draught ingredients went missing," the other said.

"You guys set me up!" Tommy exclaimed, catching a bot of attention from other students. 

"What if we did?" the first guy taunted Tommy, circling around him.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?"

"Are you gonna attack us?"

"Is little Innit gonna attack us?"

"Will you guys just shut up!" Tommy's yell was followed by shattering of windows and screams of surrounding students as they tried to get away from the falling glass. Tommy flinched when he saw what he did. No, no, no, not again. He thought as he took a step back.

"What the hell Innit!" The first guy said. "Can't even keep your magic in check?"

"I knew muggles shouldn't have access to magic," the other said.

Tommy tried to calm himself down. It's fine, deep breath inno this isn't working, fuck. He thought as the sunlight that was coming into the castle was beginning to be covered with dark cloud, rumbling of thunder audible.

No, no, no. Tommy turned around to run. I thought I was over this, whywhy the fuck is this happening again. He screamed in his head. It's been years since his last outburst, there were the occasional magical reflex that would block a spell for him, but even that doesn't work sometimes because he's been keeping his magic in check. 

His parent's angry voices echoed in his head. They never liked it when Tommy does magic. Tommy never liked doing magic then. It never ends up well for him.

Tommy kept running and running he had bumped into multiple students but he could care less. He has to find an empty—empty classroom maybe? Somewhere where no one's around to get hurt. 

Tommy huffed as he stopped trying multiple doorknobs before finding an unlocked one and trapping himself inside.


Dream SMP (Hogwarts AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum