021: not the first to know

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warning: swearing 

"i mean she's not wrong there"


•corbyn and aubrey have been secretly dating for about a week and a half•

corbyn was lying on aubrey's stomach, while the girl ruffled her hand through her boyfriend's hair and corbyn melted into her grip. for the past week, corbyn would just disappear from his own house during the late morning and reach back after dinner. right when corbyn tightened his grip around aubrey's waist, anna walked out to the couch and plopped down grabbing the remote. she scrolled through netflix for about 2 minutes as corbyn and aubrey just looked at each other confused as to why the girl didn't even bother to say hi.

"umm anna, are we fucking invisible?" corbyn said out of the blue as anna shifted her gaze from the tv onto her sister's boyfriend.

"no?" anna questioned herself rather than replying.

"what corbyn means to say is why did you just walk in like we weren't even here?" aubrey rephrased corbyn's words for him causing the boy to smile at his girlfriend.

"well he has been in this house a lot over the past week so i always expect him to be here. i won't greet him every time" anna furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips at the same time.

"i mean she's not wrong there" aubrey supported anna.

"yeah yeah i know, i'm practically living with you" corbyn scoffed.

"well i came out for some entertainment but it's just you two being grossly cute so imma dip" anna pointed her thumb out over her shoulder.

"hey" corbyn smiled.

"hi" aubrey giggled.

"let's go back to mine, no one should be home right now" corbyn suggested.

"sure baby let's go" aubrey cheerfully got up and changed her clothes, both of them being out the door in less than 2 minutes.

corbyn and aubrey were sitting by the pool, enjoying the sunset when corbyn suddenly felt a wave of coldness hit him and suddenly he was wet. the boy then realized that he was pushed into the pool by none other than his girlfriend. aubrey kept gigling as corbyn was making his way out of the pool. when aubrey saw her boyfriend run towards her with open arms, aubrey bolted inside.

"baby where are you?" corbyn yelled while chasing aubrey.

corbyn finally caught up with aubrey and picked her up by the waist, making her completely wet. they were both out of breath and giggling while corbyn let go of aubrey and they both looked up to see jonah and june just staring at them, with their mouths wide open.

"we can explain" corbyn and aubrey said in unison.

"please do-" june licked her lips.

"you guys are dating?" jonah managed to get words out.

"umm yes" corbyn replied.

"but we haven't been for a long time" aubrey added.

"does anyone else know about this?" june questioned.

"sadly-" corbyn started.

"you're not the first to know" aubrey finished the statement for him.

after having to explain to jonah and june how they were dating, corbyn and aubrey dried themselves off, aubrey wearing one of corbyn's hoodies that came up till her mid thigh. after a much tiring run around the house, corbyn and aubrey decided to make food.

"what you wanna eat corbs?" aubrey asked her boyfriend.

"let's make pasta"

corbyn and aubrey raided the kitchen to find supplies they would need. corbyn was in-charge of cutting the veggies while aubrey made the sauce and they'd both be there for the actual cooking. after finishing his part of the job, corbyn sat on the counter while aubrey, spatula in hand, was standing by the stove looking at the boiling pasta.

"why am i stuck with boiling the pasta?" aubrey complained.

"cuz i will just sit here and look hot" corbyn chuckled.

"no sir, fuck that come here and look at this and lemme sit" aubrey dragged corbyn off the counter.

"what if i burn it?" corbyn tried to cook up an excuse.

"you can't burn something that's boiling-" aubrey furrowed her eyebrows.

"but what if i do" corbyn questioned.

aubrey sighed and got off the counter, smacking corbyn's arm on the way, slightly cursing. just as aubrey walked in front of corbyn, he wrapped his arms around her.

"and you say you're not clingy" aubrey rolled her eyes.

"i'm not, i'm just always touch deprived" corbyn pursed his lips, resting his head on aubrey's shoulder.

"you bitch" aubrey scoffed.

"heyyyy, it's not my fault my love language is touch" corbyn kissed aubrey's neck.

"i'm not complaining though" aubrey spoke in a soft tone as corbyn smiled.

"i'm so lucky to have you bri-" corbyn's voice turned all soft.

"hey, don't make me all soft" aubrey turned around and pecked corbyn's lips.


sorry this was short but umm i love you

kind of a filler

life's alright currently so yay for that ig

anyway, i'm touch starved but that's alright

drink water and smile please

854 words

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