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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~roughly 5 months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I finished my sophomore year with passing grades and started hanging out with Rose and Jackie again. I also talked to my dad about therapy, which he agreed for me to go it with all the shit I've been through. I go see my therapist a couple times a week, just to go over the basics and such. 

Nathan and I have been spending more time together, he even spent the 4th of July with me and my family and saw the fireworks together. He gets along with my dad well, which is a good and bad thing, since they talk all the time on the phone. We have had our arguments though, like every couple has. (No, we haven't done IT yet, just an fyi)

I went to the beach with my friends and Nathan's a majority of the summer, so our friend group expanded quite a bit which in a way is a good thing. Nathan, my dad, and I went school shopping together for my junior year and his senior year. 

"Do you think this is cute?" I ask both of them as I hold up a cropped shirt. 

"Isn't it a little, revealing?" My dad asks me with a confused look on his face. 

"Anything looks good on you," Nathan says and my dad gives him a look. I laugh and grab a different, less revealing shirt. We leave the clothing store and head into a shoe store, since I need (want) new shoes so I look at a pair of checkered Vans. 

"We should get matching shoes," I tell Nathan as I try on a pair of Vans.

"Match shoes? With you? Ew, no way," He jokes and I shove his shoulder.

"It would be cool, like a black checkered pair." 

"Not pink or purple?"

"No, Nathan, I'm not that mean." 

"Okay, I just might do it." He says and goes to find a pair in his size. 

"C'mon guys, we still need school supplies. They'll be all picked over since school starts next week." My dad says to hurry us up.

We head over to Target to get our school supplies and backpacks. I try to stick to a theme but I just throw it out the window and go with whatever I like; I have no method of doing things anymore. We finish up there and head back to our town and prepare for school the following week.

The first day of school roles around and I look at my outfit in the mirror one last time before I head downstairs. My friends and I agreed to meet outside the school before going in the school. I head downstairs and show my dad my outfit, which consists of black jeans, a plain black t shirt, and a red plaid flannel with a chain necklace; I'm also wearing my checkered Vans. My dad gives me a hug and then we head out to the car to go to school. I see my friends waiting for me and I walk over to them.

"Looking good, Delia," Tommy says and high fives me. 

"You know it!" I exclaim.  "Nathan'll be here in a minute or so," I say and I talk to Rose and Jackie. 

Soon enough, Nathan arrives with Kasey and Josh. He's wearing the matching shoes that we got together and quite frantically, looks really happy about it. He walks over and places his arm around my shoulder. 

"Ready?" I ask the group.

"Ready," They all respond and we start walking into the school.

"I wonder what this school year has in store for us," I wonder.

Hello, my wonderous people, Smalls here. I wanted to say thank you for all the readings and votes on this book. This is my first completed book on this site and am going to write a second and final book for this series. I had a lot of fun writing this book and I hope you guys will like the second one. I am also working on another story, called "Blood in the Water", but its still in the writing process. Comment down if you have any writing tips or ideas for the next book! -Smalls

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