Chapter 19

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"I can't believe it," I utter out. On the opposite side of the room sits Amelia, with Becky. In a lip lock. Cheating. On me.

"Delia," Jackie starts, "Didn't she tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That she was breaking up with you? That's why she came and saw you the other day," Jackie explains. 

"So that's why she was acting so weird," I sit down at the table and throw my head down on it. "Well then..."

"I'm gonna go tell her off.." Rose starts to get up but I motion for her to sit down. 

"Don't Rose, I'll deal with it later. At lunch." After I said that the bell rings and I head to the locker I share to put my things inside. I guess Nathan and his buds made friends with mine whilst I was gone since they're following us. 

"God, I forgot how short you were Delia." Tommy jokes, trying to make me feel better. 

"Oh shush, Tommy." I respond and shut the locker. My friends are walking behind me while I'm in the front, Nathan joins me. 

"That's really shitty she didn't tell you," He says.

"Yup. I should've known better, why would a girl like that like a girl like me?" My mood is shot for the day. 

"Hey. Don't you ever compare yourself to that girl again, you hear me. You're better than the hoe any day." Nathan says as we reach the classroom I need to be in. 

"Thank you," I graze his arm in a 'thank you' way without hugging him, "Don't be late!"

He just smiles and heads off to his class as Rose catches up to me. All the classes I was in went smoothly, well except math but math is math and when you have someone you DESPISE in it, its hard to enjoy it. All I could  hear was Becky telling anybody that would listen about Amelia and it was making me sick to my stomach. I think I actually choked back a little bit. The bell finally rings for lunch and this is when I'm going to confront Amelia. I text her to meet me outside the school, to do it more in private and incase we start yelling at each other. She meets me a few minutes later, with Becky a few feet behind her. Nathan and Rose must've followed because they're there too. 

"I saw you this morning," I start off, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Delia, I tried to tell you, I really did. But when I saw how well you were doing and the progress you made, I didn't want to ruin it."

"And you think that making me believe that we were still together WHILE you were making out with that over there was going to help me? Seriously, Amelia." I'm starting to get pissed right now. 

"Hey, it's not my fault that you showed up and saw that. You actually weren't suppose to..." She trails off. 

"I thought you were different. I thought that you were this loving, caring person would never cheat on anyone. But you're not, you're just like all the other popular girls in this school. And the sad part is, I told you I loved you and you never said it back, but you wrote it so that must mean something right? But the real sad part is, I actually thought you liked me but it was all a joke." I go and head over to the doors back into the school. 


"No. No 'Oh Delia wait', shit alright? You had your chance and you fucking blew it. Go have fun with your little bitch over there, alright?" I storm off into the building with Nathan and Rose following me. I'm hurt, I'm angry, I'm everything right now. I head into the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face when Rose and Jackie come rushing in. They rush over to my side and pat me on the back, trying to comfort me. 

"Guys its alright, I'm fine really." I say and get away from them and head back out the door. Nathan is waiting right out side the door for me with a look in his eyes. 

"You look mad, and from what I heard you tend to break things when you're mad." He is saying to me but I'm not listening. "Delia, give me your hands until you calm down." 

"I am calm." I say in defense. 

"You don't look it," 

"Well I am." He looks at me, "Okay, I'm not. But I am not going to hit anything." Another look. I give him my hands and he holds on to them for a bit. His hands are a little bit bigger than mine, but they fit greatly in them. They are also warm, which is a contrast to mine which are cold. I can tell he's blushing but I don't mention it. 

"I think I'm good to go now, thank you." I let go of his hands and mine are instantly cold again. I miss his but I don't let it show. 

"No problem, Delia." The bell rings and I head to my next class, all my other friends beat me to our spot. "Do you guys mind if I take a nap?" I ask and take out my earbuds to listen to music but not really.

"Yeah go ahead." Jackie responds. I set my head down on the table and put my ear buds in, and soon fall asleep. I wake up forty five minutes later but don't move my head or make a move that I'm awake. 

"...yeah I can't believe she thought she was different..." Jackie says.

"Yeah I know, even I could tell she was still stuck on Becky." Jane says.

"Poor thing, I almost feel bad for her, after everything that has happened," Emily agrees with both of them. I just lay there in total and utter shock. They're talking shit about me when I'm literally right here. Some friends I think to myself. The bell rings and I decide to go to our locker before going to class. I hear my so called 'friends' in the background joking about. I head into my last hour and don't utter a word the entire time. The final bell rings, and I take my time getting ready to leave. I head out the door and don't even think about stopping at the locker. 

"Hey where are you going?" Jackie asks me. Shit, almost made it.

"I'm going home," I say coldly. 

"What's wrong?" Rose asks, clearly confused. This is when Nathan and his buds walk up to talk to us.

"Oh nothing. I just can't believe someone would feel bad about me and actually not tell me to my face." I glare at Emily, who looks confused. It clicks between the three of them but I already left and ignore them. I get on the bus and head home, up to my room. They won't stop blowing up my phone and calling me but I couldn't really care. The group chat that I'm in with my guy friends call me and I explain to them what happened. They all start talking at once about how bad that is and how I can hang with them for a while. 

"Also, Delia we wanted to ask you if you wanted to sleepover at my house this weekend. It would just be the four of us." Josh announces. 

"I probably can, I'll ask my dad and tell you tomorrow." And with that, I hang up my phone and start on my homework. I will ask my dad later that night and he will probably say yes.

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