Chapter 13

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My dad drops me off at Amelia's early in afternoon on Saturday. I'm carrying a Monster to the door along with my other sleepover gear and knock on the door. It's late spring so there's a light breeze in the air which was refreshing as I unzip my hoodie jacket. Amelia's mom opens the door and lets me in as introduces herself. 

"I'm Amelia's mom and that's her dad," She gestures towards the living room, "She's so happy you could come over. I should tell you me and her father have to leave town this evening and won't be back until after you leave tomorrow."

"That's totally fine," I tell them as Amelia runs down the stairs. She's grabbing my things as I wave goodbye to her parents and go upstairs. "So you're parents aren't gonna be here tonight?" I give her a look.

"Hey, don't try anything," She laughs and sets my stuff down by her bed, "You're drinking another Monster, Delia?"

"Yes, I am. It's how I've been keeping myself awake during the day."

"You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

"Not really no. Two hours at the most." I answer and sit on her bed, "What are we doing today?" I try and change the subject. 

"I was thinking we could go walk down town and by the beach and break wall..." She suggests.

"That would be fun." I take a drink and gesture for her to come over to me. She stands in front of me and plays with my hands. "Try not to worry about me, okay?"

"I'll try not too." She grabs hand and kisses it. She starts going through my duffel bag of belongings and starts pulling things out. She grabs my security blanket and starts inspecting it. 

"Hey! Give me that!" I reach off from her bed and grab it. She starts laughing at me, laughing at my reaction of her grabbing my blanket. "I didn't want you to make this fall out of it." I carefully put a bracelet in my folded blanket that is not folded anymore. It says her name and mine with hearts around it.  I hand it to her and she stares at it in awe.

"Aww, Delia. You didn't have to do this." 

"Well I felt bad for Becky hurting you and I just thought this was a nice gift and that you would like it." I start rambling because I got embarrassed. I'm weird about these things. 

"Well, I love it." She puts it on and I can already tell she's never gonna take it off. She walks away to her desk and grabs some money for our walk downtown. 

"Fuck, I forgot my money." I groan. I notice her blush when I say that, noting.

"That's alright, I'll pay." I give her a look, "I'm serious, Delia. Let's go." We both head downstairs and tell her parents where we're going; they tell us to have fun and we're off. 

We decide to hangout at the beach and break wall instead of walking all the way downtown. I love the beach, one of my favorite places in the world. But because its only late spring, the water is not warm and some people are only sun bathing. We take our shoes and socks off and walk down the bath to the waters edge and decide to walk to the break wall. I grab Amelia's hand as we walk and splash my feet in the water. 

"My two favorite things," I start, "The beach and you." I smile at her.

"You're such a charmer," She chuckles and squeezes my hand. We're halfway towards the break wall when I stop and role of my pant legs a little bit. Amelia looks at me confused and then notices me walk in a little bit into the water but no to deep. A wave comes up behind me and splashes the back of my legs a pit. 

"Agh, I'm wet now."

"You're wet?" She laughs at me.

"Well only for you but this is a different kind." She gasps at my comment, not expecting it at all. I just smirk at her and come back out to walk with her. We make it to the break wall and decide to sit on the edge a few feet down from where we came up. I grab her hand and play with it in mine, it calms me down a bit every time, its like it brings me joy. The pier is not very busy today, only a few people walk past us in the time we sat there. We get up and head back to the mainland to use the bathroom and get a drink. 

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