Chapter 6

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I final go back to school Friday. I mean it what nice, but I was just behind in my classes just a tad. I was in ELA class with Rose when the teacher asked me this question:

"Delia, how do you feel about clear backpacks in the classroom?" 

"What?" I ask.

"Backpacks in the classroom. Do you like it?"

"I feel like this is a trick question," I answer and the class chuckles.

"It's not." 

"Well, if you want my honest answer, I don't mind. It saves the student time from having to rush to their lockers during class and going to class. "

"So, you think that students won't have weapons in their backpacks?" The teacher asks.

"Why would I care? It's none of my business." 

"Okay, okay. Clear backpacks yes or no?"

"No. We as students need our privacy and you all being able to look into our backpacks invades it. You guys can literally go through our backpacks at your own will without telling us, so no. I don't like clear backpacks. And don't get me started for the girls' side of the story."

"Invasion of privacy? So you don't think we outta know if someone has a gun in their backpack?"

"I'm pretty sure we would all see if someone had a AK 47 in their backpack," I snap at the teacher. The whole class gasps.

"Delia. Outside. Now." The teacher sounds pissed.

I get detention to say the least. I should've seen that coming, though. But hey, I need to voice my opinion sometimes even if I'll get in trouble. I don't even know how that topic came up and I'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

History class was nice, I mean just because Amelia was in the class. She noticed I was upset, even though I was trying to mask it.

"That's so stupid. Like she asked you a question and you gave a answer," Amelia exclaims to me as I walk to math. 

"I know right, like now I have a fucking detention after school today," I'm honestly upset about this. 

"It'll be alright. " She squeezes my shoulder and walks off to her next class. 'Why does she calm me down so easily' I think to myself.

Math class was easy, and I finished my worksheet with ten minutes to spare. I'm helping Jane with her last problem when I get a tap on my shoulder. I look to my right and it's Emma Nosa. 'God I hate her too. I hate a lot of people.' 

"Yes?" I ask and stand back up.

"Can you help me with this question?" She asks me, which is code word for give me the answer.

I'm about to answer but Jane butts in. "We forgot how to do it, sorry." Emma gives a look and turns away. I mouth thank you to Jane and she nods.

"I don't think I've been more happy to be at lunch before," I say and sit down.

"Why?" Jackie asks.

"I don't know, maybe because I have a detention later and want to savor talking to you guys before I can't," 

"Oh yeah," Rose exclaims, "She pissed off our ELA teacher today."

As Rose explains what happened to everyone at our table, one of Amelia's friends hands me a piece of paper. I open it and notice this really pretty drawing of two hands laced together with a note underneath it. If you're ever sad, just look at this and think of me :) Signed, Amelia. 

I look up and see her looking in my direction. I smile at her to let her know I got the note and I like it. She smiles back and turns to talk to her friends. I put the note in my pocket so I know where it is at all times and talk to my friends. 

Art and Spanish go by quickly and before I know it, the school day ends. Well for everyone but me and the people who have detention. I texted my dad before class an hour ago and told him about it and he said he would pick me after. This time Rose and Jackie beat me to our locker and they stop instantly. 

"What is it?" I ask, skeptical.

"Nothing. We can't say," Jackie says.

"Oh. Okay," I respond.

I grab my things from our locker and quickly shut it. Detention starts at 3:05 in the library, so I have ten minutes to spare. I'm walking down the hall when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. In the moment it startles me but I soon realize who it is.

"Did I scare you?" Amelia asks me.

"No," I lie.

"Sureeeee," She laughs, "Heading to detention?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I joke. I turn around to see my friends joking behind me, obviously talking about me and Amelia.

"Well you told me about it early and you have fivish minutes to get there." She responds. Her hand graces my hand and makes me blush. I think she noticed because she did it again but this time outside of the library. 

"Have fun," She winks and leaves the area. 

"Is it hot in here or...." I fan myself and my friends comes close to me.

"It's hilarious how much she makes you flustered," Jackie says, chuckling.

"Yeah, for you guys and for her," I say back. 

"We forgot to ask you if you wanna sleep over at my house tomorrow, Jackie will be there too." Rose asks me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll ask  my dad tonight. Later guys." I wave them good bye and head into the library. I first have to check in so they know I came. I seem to be the only one here today which has its advantages. The secretary tells me that I can go on my phone but just no calls or facetimes. I text Amelia the entire time I'm there until my dad picks me up. I ask him if I can go spend the night at Rose's tomorrow, he says I can. I'm really excited I could go, even though I got detention. 

The next morning, I pack my bags to go to Rose's. She lives only five minutes away from me so I go over there a lot. I'm double checking my list of things I need when Amelia calls me.

"Aye, what's up?" I ask her.

"Not much. What are you doing?" She asks me.

"Just packing to go over to Rose's house," I respond as I walk out my room.

"Oooh, sounds fun," She says.

"Yeah, I'm excited. And I'm sorry I have to go. Text you later?" 

"You better, good byeeee!"

I tell my dad I'm ready to go and he says okay. We put my bag in the car and we drive the short few minutes her house. I tell my dad goodbye and he says to have a good time. Rose greets me at the door and she looks more excited than she should. 

"What is it?" I ask, as I step through her front door. As I say this, Amelia steps out of Rose's room. I about faint at this. 

"SURPRISE!" They both shout. 

"Is.. is this what you and Jackie were talking about yesterday?"

"Yup," Rose and Amelia high five, "It was her idea." 

I gasp at her and she just smiles shyly. I go and put my bag in Rose room and wait for Jackie to come. This sleepover was gonna be more exciting than I expected. 

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