Chapter 10

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I didn't sleep at all that night, I'm to nervous about this fucking in school suspension. I make myself get up and I throw on Amelia's hoodie to bring me some comfort. I head down into the kitchen and grab a Monster and notice a note from my dad saying he had to in early for work.

"Great," I mutter, "I have to take the fucking bus." I decide to skip breakfast since I'm not hungry. The bus arrives twenty minutes later and I sit in my usual spot and listen to my music until we get to school. My phone is blowing up from texts from Amelia and my friends, which I decide to ignore. I'm not in the mood to answer people at this time. I'm drinking my Monster when we get to school finally, a little later than usual. Everyone beats me to our spot and they look surprised to see me. I sit down next to Amelia and wait for the bell to ring so I can go to the office.

"Delia, it looks like you didn't sleep at all." Rose observes.

"I didn't." I take a sip of my drink, "This is so stupid, I don't want to do this."

"I know you don't, but its only for three days. Is this why you're drinking this?" Amelia gestures to the Monster.

"Yeah, I-" I get interrupted.

 "Lookie here, Amelia and her bitch girlfriend." Becky says with Leslie at her side. When did they become friends?

I groan. "I don't need this right nowwww." I mutter. Amelia rubs my back to comfort me.

"Why don't you go away and leave us alone?" Amelia angrily. Rose stands up with her.

"And miss Delia being in a shitty mood because of me? No way!" Becky exclaims as Leslie laughs.

"Wait, you set up the thing with Aidan? You're the reason for this?" I stand up. "You little bitch!" Rose and Amelia hold me back before I do something stupid. At this time the bell rings and run into Becky purposely on the way to the office. Amelia and my friends follow me to the office and say goodbye. 

"Where's the principal?" I ask. 

"You're Delia?" I nod. "Go to room 212, that's where he'll meet you." I head out the door to room 212, apparently where they have in school suspension. The principal is there along with a couple other people. I go and sit in the back of the room and wait for him to start talking. 

"Okay everyone, here are the rules. You are not aloud to talk to anyone or get up and leave. You are aloud to do your school work if you want, you are just not aloud to move or talk to someone." 

"Can we listen to music on our phones?" I ask.

"Yes, but only that. Nothing else." The principal announces, "I will be back at B lunch for you guys to get your lunch and head back." And with that he leaves the room to leave us to ourselves. I don't recognize the other two people in the room so I keep to myself and listen to my music. I lean back in my chair and look at the ceiling, trying to calm my breathing. I drank my Monster way to fast so my heart is racing. I decide to work on my homework and after a while a piece of paper is thrown at my desk. I look up and see a guy looking at me and gestures for me to open it. 

Hey, I'm Nathan. What did you do to get in here? BTW I'm a junior, what are you? 

I'm Delia. I got in trouble for defending myself and my friends from my ex. I'm a sophomore.

I see him read the note and right something back. He chucks it at me and I catch it mid air. 

Wow, that's stupid. Wanna be friends? Here's my snapchat too.  And below he lists his snapchat username.

Sure, why not? LOL. I'll add you back right now. Come sit next to me? I throw the paper back at him. He reads the note and comes back to sit next to me. He's not bad looking, brown hair that falls nicely on his face, light blue eyes; lowkey cute but I'm dating Amelia and I really like her. We pass notes back and forth until the principal comes and gets us for lunch. 

"Do you want to meet my friends really quick?" I ask Nathan on our way to the cafeteria. 

"Sure, why not." He smiles.

I walk over to our table and my friends rush over to me along with Amelia. They start talking quickly and then notice Nathan. 

"Guys, this is Nathan. I met him in the suspension room." He waves awkwardly. "This is Rose, Jackie, Jane, Emily, and my girlfriend Amelia." Amelia comes over and grabs my hand. 

"Nice to meet all of you." He says, "Oh no, here comes the suspension aid, we're late. Let's go, Delia. Have a good day!" He says to all my friends.

"See you later, Mel." I peck her hand quickly. This makes her blush and I leave.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend. And you didn't get anything to eat, aren't you hungry?" Nathan asks me as we sit back in our spots. 

"Well to be fair, you just met me and yeah I'm not hungry." 

"True. You seem lucky," He smiles back at me. 

We work on our school work in silence for the rest of the day until the bell rings. We part ways and say we'll see each other tomorrow. I rush over to our locker to meet my friends. Amelia lights up in joy to see me. 

"I missed you!" She exclaims and grabs my hand. I rub her hand with my thumb. 

"Me too,"

"Hey! We missed you too!" Rose announces as she walks up with everyone. 

"I would hope so!" I joke. I see Aidan in the corner of my eye with Leslie and Becky and my mood instantly sinks. I tell everyone I gotta go and that I'll try to text them tonight. 

"See you later, Delia!" Nathan shouts at me. 

"Bye!" I yell back and wave. I think Becky saw this but I don't really care, she knows I'm dating Amelia and wouldn't want to ruin that.

The next day at school went the same as the day before, boring as fuck. The third day is when something interesting happened. I walk up to Amelia per usual before I have to go to have her walk away from me. I turn to my friends and they look pissed at me. I'm so confused. 

"Hey, what happened? Why are you all upset with me?" I ask Rose before she walks away. 

"Like you don't know." 

"I really don't. What'd I do?"

"Check snap, that's all I'm saying." I open up snapchat and look at the stories. I gasp in horror at what I see. Some one photoshopped me and Nathan together holding hands and hugging with the caption "I can't believe this. I thought she was better than this." Becky posted this. She did this. I rush to find Amelia and explain everything. I find her at our usual table with all my friends around her. She seems to be crying, its hurting me on the inside. I try to walk up to her but Jackie stops me.

"I think its best if you wait until later to talk to her, she's really hurting. I can't believe you." Jackie exclaims to me. 

"But- but- but I didn't do that, I swear." I'm on the brink of tears. The bell rings and I rush to the room for in school suspension. Nathan is already there and notices something is off. I sit down and slam my head on the table and I start crying. He rubs my back whilst I cry and the principal comes into the room. 

"Guys, I'm gonna cut you loose so you can go to your first hour." He announces. 

"Great. Just great," I sob. "I don't want to do this." 

"Well we have to, I'll walk with you to class if you want." He suggests. 

"It's fine, really. I'll see you at lunch I guess, by the cafeteria doors." I get up and wipe my face off and head to class.

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