Chapter 21

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I clean up myself and put on the sweatshirt Nathan insisted on me wearing. We both head downstairs and we hear them talking about something. 

"Delia should get a nurse outfit because she's 'such a nurse'." Kasey jokes. "She'd look good, man." 

"I should get a what?" I glare at him and cross my arms. 

"You're gonna get it, Kasey." Josh warns him. 

"I don't think you should have a opinion on what I shall wear and what I don't. Even if I would look good in it or not." I exclaim at him and point my finger in his face. "So keep your mouth shut or else." 

"Ohhhhhh, I'm so scareddddd..." He acts all scared and I lunge at him. Nathan grabs me and Kasey jumps back not expecting me to jump at him. Josh gets between the both of us and calms us down. 

"Okay, guys chill. No more fighting fighting, alright?" Josh says and Nathan lets me go. Why did I like his arms around me? I question myself. I can't be falling for him, can I? I'm still trying to comprehend what Amelia did to me, I can't fall again for  a bit... 

"Hey Delia..." Tommy snaps his fingers in front of me and I jump, "We're gonna go watch TV for a bit and then order some food, c'mon." I follow him to the living room and sit on the couch by Nathan with my knees to my chest to be comfortable. We watched a humorous TV show and some disgusting things show up during the time we watch it. I get up to go get a water but my legs must've fallen asleep because I stumble and almost fall over. I realize its not from my legs being asleep but because my stomach hurts so bad that I can barely walk. I make it the kitchen counter but lean over it ease the pain. Nathan walks in for a drink too and immediately rushes over to me. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" He sounds nervous for me. 

"Stomach...hurts...need...medicine..." I gasp out, its never been this bad before. I feel like I'm being stabbed a hundred times in the gut. I notice Nathan rush back into the room with some Tylenol. 

"Here you go," He hands me a couple pills and a water, I quickly take them and hope they kick in soon. "That looks horrible, I feel so bad."

"Don't feel bad for me, feel lucky that I haven't murdered Kasey yet." He laughs and we head back into the living room as a new episode is playing. 

"Why are you sitting like that?" Kasey asks, this time not jerk like. 

"Its more comfortable," I respond and I'm not completely lying. But if it was just me, I would be curled up in a ball on the floor about to cry. 

"Oh, okay" He returns his focus to the TV and we watch it for another hour before ordering some food. We all decide that after this, we're gonna hang out in Josh's room and then watch some movies before we go to sleep. The food we order soon arrives and it just makes me sick to even smell, so I leave the room and wait upstairs for them. I'm sitting by his bed when they all come upstairs so we could just all talk. 

"Josh, I forgot to ask you, where are your parents at?" I ask him as I move into a different position, my stomach finally feeling better.

"They're out of town for the weekend so I have the house all to myself,"

"That's cool." I respond.

"Delia, since I like just met you today I need to know something. Are you a virgin?" Kasey questions me.

"What kind of question is that? Yeah I'm a virgin, I'm only 16," I respond to him.

"That explains a lot,"

I flip him off and then he says, "You know who's also a virgin, Nathan." Nathan looks down clearly embarrassed. 

"Hey, why did you say that? There's nothing wrong with being a virgin at his age, maybe he's waiting for the right person." I defend him. 

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