Chapter 28

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I rode the bus to school that Monday since Nathan couldn't take me that day. I was totally fine with that, I kinda missed riding the bus and that way I could talk to Kasey and them. I head over to the table we sit at and engage in conversation Tommy and them, when Nathan finally arrives. He sits down next to and places his arm around me.

"Ew, love." Kasey jokes.

"Ew, your face," I say back at him. He sniggers and we talk about something else for a while. The bell rings and I head over to Nathan's locker real quick. I'm walking to my first class when someone taps me on the shoulder and wants to talk to me. 

"Hey," I respond continuing my focus on going to first hour.

"Hi," It's Rose and I don't know why she's talking to me, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I ask, I forgave her and them but we're not like best friends anymore. 

"I overheard Becky and her group saying that they want to talk to you at your house after school," We make it to class and I wait by her table for more info.

"Huh, that's weird. I wonder what she wants." I respond and go to my seat.

I think about what Rose says the entire time until lunch, I just can't get my head off it. Nathan walks over to me and sits next to me, he can tell something's wrong. 

"Josh went to get food. What's wrong?" He asks me, sincere. I lean my head into his shoulder and sigh. I explain to him what Rose told me and how worried I am. He grabs my hand and strokes it to calm me down. "Do you want me to come over with you after school? Just in case something bad happens?" 

"No, no, I can handle it. It's just that... Everything I felt for Amelia is gonna flood back to me if I see her again with Becky and I finally lost everything for her, with being with you and I don't want to hurt you." 

"Hey, hey. You're not gonna hurt me, okay? If something  bad happens, call me and I'll be right over."

"Okay." At this time, Josh shows up with a smoothie for me and some French fries. We laugh and joke for the rest of the lunch hour before we have to go to our classes. I make it through the rest of the classes and stop at Nathan's locker before getting on the bus. 

"I'm gonna have my phone on me at all times, alright?" He says and kisses the top of my head.

"Alright, I gotta go. Talk to ya later."

The bus drops me off and no later than ten minutes Becky and Amelia show up. I don't want them in my house so I step outside with my arms across my chest. Becky steps up forward first and I don't budge.

"What do you want?" I huff at her.

"We just wanted to talk to you."

"Why? I thought we were going our separate ways." I say and glare at them.

"We thought it was best if we talked about what happened and clear everything up."

"Clear what up? We already talked and we already determined Amelia is a dirty rotten cheater and so are you." I'm getting agitated now. 

"Hey, don't call Amelia that." She steps towards me. 

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, I hope you're happy with her though." 

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"She might be faking it, you know, like she was doing it with me."

"I wasn't faking it!" Amelia speaks up. "I really did like you."

"Yeah, well you were terrible showing it to me. Hell, I opened up to you and then a week or so later, you broke up with me without me actually knowing it." I throw my hands up into the air.

They both stare at me in shock. "Look, Delia. We didn't mean for you to find out like that, and I was going to tell you." Amelia starts.

"Sure you were. Apparently you never lost feelings for Becky and I was just your little experiment."

"Delia, listen to me! I liked you a lot, I truly did and when you opened up to me, I felt like you trusted me and it felt good."

"It was a big mistake, to trust you. I hope you're happy, you broke me, Amelia and I was finally feeling good again with being with Nathan, you know someone that finally likes me and doesn't want to cheat on me."

"I... I broke you? Oh, my god." Amelia stutters out. 

"I want you off my property." I say

"What?" Becky asks.

"I want you off my property!" I shout at her.

"No, we aren't leaving until you forgive us, or at least her!" Becky yells at me.

"I'm never forgiving you guys," I snap at her.

"Fine. I guess we'll just have to make you say it." Becky starts off.

"Becky, what are you doing?" Amelia asks and tries to grab her arm. Becky walks closer to me and soon I'm on the ground. She pins my arms on the ground to try to not make me move. Luckily, I'm stronger than her and I use all of my strength to flip her onto her back. This takes her by surprise. I slap her across the face to show her who's the dominate one.

"So, are you gonna leave me alone?" I ask her.

"Yes. Yes we are." She responds. I let her up and she runs to Amelia and they walk off defeated and humiliated. 

I go back inside and call the guys to tell them what happened. 

"I wanna be topped by Delia," Kasey jokes. 

"Hey, the only guy she's topping is me," Nathan says and winks at me. 

"She didn't see it coming, so that was the best part. Don't underestimate Delia." I laugh and say good bye to them. 

Later that evening, I finish up my homework and get ready for bed. Before I put on my shirt, I stare at myself in my mirror in my sports bra. The lashes are starting to fade but I have a feeling that there's gonna be scars left behind. Without meaning to, I break down crying in the mirror. All the memories of the last weeks come crashing in and I can't stop the tears, I run my hand over my lashes. I start thinking about Amelia and that makes me cry even more. I pull out my phone and dial Nathan's number. 

He arrives a few minutes first as I wait outside on the steps. He rushes over to me and hugs me tightly. He strokes my hair as I tell him everything I've been feeling. He just stays silent until I'm done talking and soothingly talks to me make me feel better. 

"Delia, I think you should talk to your dad about going to therapy." He says after a while. 

"I think that's a good idea," I nod and not want to let go of him. 

I eventually go back inside and go to bed, feeling slightly better than I was earlier.

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