Chapter 1

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"Rise and shine!" My mother calls from downstairs. 

"I'm up!" I call down so she knows I'm awake.

I get up out of bed and walk to my dresser. Today I decided on something simple, but yet again I always wear something simple. I decide on my grey hoodie and blue jeans. I then unplug my phone and head downstairs to do my hair and eat some breakfast. 

"Morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?" my Mom asked

"I slept alright. I'm not that hungry this morning so can I just grab a snack?" I asked. 

"You know how I feel about you not having a decent breakfast," 

"I know, I know. But please" I beg, giving her my puppy eyes.

"Alright Alright. Now go brush that head of yours."

I walk into the bathroom and grab my brush. I have medium length brown hair, so it takes a hot minute to brush it. I really like my hair and my eyes. My eyes are a mix of light blue and dark green, I love them. I quickly check my phone to see if my closest friends Jackie or Rose texted me. They texted me but I just ignored it until I get to school.

"Delia! The bus is here!"

"Shit," I whisper under my breath and rush out of the bathroom and quickly to the door.

"Have a good day!" my Mom calls. 

"I'll try!" I say, and head out the door. 

I grabbed my seat on the bus and we pick up the usual kids. Soon enough we get to the school. I'm usually the first one there out of my friend group so I head to our usual seating area in the lobby. I spot Amelia across the room, the most pretty girl I've ever seen in my life. If only she would date me...

"Bitch, why didn't you answer my text?" 

I turn around to see Jackie and Rose coming towards me. They have been my friends for as long as I could remember. 

"I just didn't have the time," I say, still staring at Amelia. 

"Mhm." Jackie huffs.

"You know you'll never have a chance with a girl like her," Rose says into my ear.

"I know. But a girl can dream." Amelia suddenly looks at me and I turn away blushing. Rose laughs at me and I nudge her in the stomach. By this time all my friends have shown up at our spot and we engage in small talk. The school bell rings signaling for first hour. 

Rose and I head to our ELA class, the only class we have together besides lunch. The class soon ends and I head to History. Amelia is in this class but she sits in the back, with all the other popular girls. I sit in the front, with my other friends Emily and Jane. Jane is new here, so Rose, Jackie, Emily, and I took her under our wing.

"What's up, guys?" I say and take my seat. 

"Not much," They both respond. The teacher clears his throat, signaling class has begun. The next class is math, with even more popular people and two I don't particularly like. 

"I don't understand-" I start to say as I bump into someone. 

"Watch where the hell you're going!" The voice all to familiar says. Becky Vanderhil. Amelia's friend.

"Sorry," I mumble, heading towards my seat. "Bitch."

"What did you say?" She growls.

"Nothing," I glare at her. She roles her eyes and takes her seat.

The bell rings at the end of class and time for lunch. 'Finally' I think to myself.

I meet all my friends in our usually spot in the cafeteria. I explain to them about what happened in math.

"She really is a bitch," Rose starts, "I don't get why people are her friends."

"Me neither," Jackie says.

At this point, I'm lost in thought staring at Amelia across the room. 'How can one person be so... pretty?' I think to myself. She has such beautiful hair, long blonde hair with highlights. She wears glasses too, which suit her well. 

"Earth to Delia! Hello!" Rose is shouting at me.

"Yes? Yes? What is it?" I ask, embarrassed. 

"The bell rang. Time for your class." 

"Oh, okay."

I head to the art room, my favorite class. Jackie, Jane, and Emily are already sitting down at our table and  I go to join. When I sit down, they all start chuckling at me.

"What is it?" I ask, confused.

"It was just the way you were looking at her during lunch" Jackie manages to say. "and the best part was I don't think you noticed her looking at you." 

"WHAT!" I say a little to loud. "Sh- she- She was looking at me?"

"Yes," Jane says, "So was Becky."

I groan and throw my head onto the table. 'Great! I just made myself a fool in front of her' I think.  This is how I remain until the end of class. There's one final class, which is Spanish. I don't paricularly like it but whatever. 

The bell rings and I head to my locker that I share with Rose, that is by Jackie's. By the time I'm almost ready, Rose and Jackie show up. I'm talking to them when Amelia walks up.

"Hey Delia," She says. My heart just stops. 

"Hi" I squeak out. My friends are trying to cover up their laughs.

"I was just wondering..." 

'Oh no, oh no, oh no.'

"Why were you looking at me earlier today? During lunch?" 

"I- uh-... um-" Words won't form. "I just thought you were pretty and I uh sorta zoned out." 

"You think I'm pretty? That's so sweet!" She says, smiling. She then hands me a piece of paper with her snapchat username on it. "Text me, okay? Or maybe I will first." She winks and walks away. 

I'm frozen. Can't move. My friends finally shake me to get me to move again. 

"You got her snapchat!" Rose says. 

"This is great!" Jackie exclaims. 

I look down at the piece of paper. This isn't real. This can't be real. I have Amelia's snapchat. My life is complete. 

"She was probably just being nice," I say. I don't wanna get my hopes up.

"You better add her though, " Rose states, "And text her."

"I will, I will." I say and walk down the hall, and out the door. I see my dad's car and walk over to it.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Amazing," I answer, and we head home.

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