Chapter 26

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I'm pacing my 'room' and thinking about how to get out of this place. There's only one person, it should be easier, I tell myself, but yet again you don't want THAT to happen again. I'm ruling the good and bad ideas in my head when I hear steps coming closer to the basement stairs; soon enough Dean comes down. He's a few feet away from me, just staring at me and what I was wearing. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at me, I also don't want him staring at my chest in general. 

"What do you want?" I huff.

"Can't I come down here and see you, Delia?" He responds.

"No, you only come down here if you want something from me."

"Little miss, that's not true."

"DON'T call me that." I say angrily. He starts coming closer to me and I can tell I made him mad. I see my opportunity to rush around him and I take, climbing up the stairs as quick as I can. I run into the kitchen and grab scissors to defend myself and lock my self in the bathroom. I'm gasping for air as I hear him pounding on the door. I move away from the door and into the bath tub since its the furthest away from the door. He breaks in through the door when I hear someone shouting. 

"DELIA! DELIA ARE YOU IN THIS HOUSE!" It's Tommy and he comes through the door with a weapon, prepared to fight. "DELIA YELL IF YOU CAN HEAR ME!" In behind him comes Nathan, Kasey, and Josh.

"IN HERE! HELP!" I yell and Dean is on top of me with his hand over my mouth.

"Get the fuck off of her, you dirty pervert!" Tommy and Kasey rush into the room and pull him off of me and I leave the room quickly. I see Nathan and I rush into his arms, knowing it will all be okay again. 

"I told you I would find you," He says into my ears and I just hug him even tighter. I'm starting to cry now and he just comforts me. Kasey and Tommy come out of the bathroom, looking proud at what they've done. We all start walking outside when I see my mom showed up again.

"The police should be here soon," Josh informs us.

" mother..." I tremble.

"It's okay, we got you, I promise." Nathan puts his arm around me. My mother steps out of her car and comes towards us as soon as the police and my dad show up to the house. My dad runs towards me and I hug as tight as I could. I'm so happy they're found me and that I won't get hurt again. The police arrest my mother, Daryll, and Dean and place them in the cop car. One of them comes over to me and tells me I should go to the hospital to get checked out and for my dad to fill out some papers. I see the ambulance show up and I grab Nathan's arm to signal I want him to come with me. 

"We'll meet you at the hospital," Josh tells us and we nod. My dad mentions that too, so Nathan and I head over to the ambulance. I sit on the gurney as they do the regular check up things. They tend to the injuries they can see, such as the cuts on my arms and scratches on my face. Nathan is looking at me in upmost concern and sadness, shocked how someone could be this cruel. I grab his hand and hold onto as we get to the hospital. We arrive on the hospital and they wheel me in on the gurney into a ER room. I have to change into a hospital gown and I forgot about the whip marks on my stomach and chest area. I carefully take of my shirt and Nathan's eye just widen at the sight of it, I forgot he didn't know about it. I place my shirt and pants on the edge of the bed and wait for the doctor to come in.

When the doctor comes into the room, she asks for Nathan to leave. She starts asking me questions about my injury and I'm hesitant to answer them. She comes closer to me and I flinch a bit, so she takes a small hint. She asks to look at my marks and I lift the gown and show her. This is the time I explain to her what happened to me and she asks to look down there. I hesitantly allow it and she examines it. After that she fixes up my cuts and marks and requests I check in with my doctor in a couple weeks to make sure they're healing properly. She leaves the room and says I can leave whenever I want. Nathan, my dad, and the others come into the room soon after she leaves, after I put my clothes on. 

"I'm gonna have to buy some new clothes for you," my dad says as he looks at my clothes. I laugh and ask if we could leave to go home. Nathan wraps his arm around me as we leave the hospital and my dad drives us to my house. 

"I'm so happy to be back here, in MY house," I joke.

My dad makes sure I'm okay and he heads up to his room to leave me and Nathan alone. I look up at him and notice bags under his eyes.

"You haven't been sleeping, have you?" I ask as I run my thumb under his eye.

"No, I've been to worried about you. I just couldn't sleep knowing you weren't safe. And look what happened to you..." He trails off and looks like he's about to cry.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm safe now, thanks to you and your buddies." I hug him and we go and lay on the couch. I lay my head on his chest and he starts stroking my hair. He gives me a kiss on the back of the head and I eventually fall asleep in the comforts of his arms. 

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