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Author's Note: Hey, guys! So, this is the end of the Delamont story. It is also an insight into my next fanfiction, which will be a Season 6 prequel. It's gonna be short and sweet and after this, the fanfiction will be complete. But, enough talk! Let's get on with the epilogue!

Your Author, Marbella. <3


"We escaped the night..."


Valentina's POV:

It's been about a year since Delamont.

And, honestly, I don't know how to feel.

I like to that I'm moving on, of course, but... it's hard. I mean, I saw people die in front of me, I killed people that night.

So, it's rough. 

I'm still close with Gear, Lana and Oli, of course I am. I mean, we got through the night together, why wouldn't we still be close?

And then... wait, why is my phone ringing?

I pick it up, not checking the number as I quickly answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Is this Valentina Amore?" The person asks.

"Um... yeah. Why?"

"OK, good. Lemme get to the point; my name's Jael and I'm with the Society against Evil. Do you have a minute to talk? We need your help." 


Escape The Night Season 5: The Delamont CarnivalWhere stories live. Discover now