Chapter 12.2: The Un-named Bandit- Part 3.2

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! So, before anybody asks any questions, Part 3 has been split into two halves because of a POV change. Also, with this challenge's death since both girls are likeable, do not come for my weave and do not hate me; it's for a later plot point. But, enough talk! Let's get on with the chapter which hopefully won't ruin the whole book.

Your Author, Marbella. <3


Narrator/ 3rd Person POV:

Lizzie and Lana approached the bridge to the Un-named Bandit's lair. Besides the bridge, there was a note on a podium.

It read:

'There are two sets of eight letters hidden in the skulls throughout the liar that spell out the name of the Un-named Bandit; one gold and one silver. The first to find their set of letters and arrange them must call out his name. They will then receive the Blood Ring, whilst the loser's throat will be cut open by the Un-named Bandit's blade.'

Lizzie: 'So, in this challenge, we need to run around, find the skulls and break them to find the letters and figure out the bandit's name is.'

Lana: 'It's like a creepy Easter egg hunt, but you're breaking stuff; I'm good at both things. Do not ask who I'm good at breaking stuff, it's a long story.'

"OK, ladies, are you ready?" Victor asked, trying to prepare the girls for what was about to happen. They both nodded.

"Remember; Lizzie, you're silver. Lana, you're gold." Heidi informed. Once they knew their colors, they both approached the bridge.

"Good luck, ladies," Victor reassured, as both girls ran into the lair.

Lana grabbed the nearby skulls and smashed them with her heels.

After smashing three of them, she found the letter D in it and put it on her table.

But, the bandit was chasing her, attempting to shoot her.

"OH MY GOD! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she panted, as she ran away to find more skulls.

The bandit's focus turned to Lizzie; she had just found a letter V and evaded getting shot trying to return it to the table.

"Oh my god, I am going to fall!" She shouted, stumbling.

Lana had, in the time it had taken Lizzie to find one, had found two; a T and an E.

Lizzie was keeping good pace, though; she had found another one.

Throughout the challenge, it was a close race, but Lizzie couldn't find her last letter and Lana had found all eight.

"D, E, T, T...." Lana mumbled before slamming her hands onto the desk.

She had found the bandit's name; Vendetta.

"Vendetta, that's your name!" She shouted.

The bandit then turned and approached Lizzie.

"Wait! Stay back! G... get away from me! No, no, N- "

Lizzie couldn't get the last word out before the bandit sliced her throat open.

She fell to the ground.

She was dead.

As fast as she could, Lana grabbed the Blood Ring and ran off with it, Vendetta following her.

"Place the ring on the hat, Lana!" Heidi urged.

Though Lana's fingers fumbled, she got the ring on the hat and the bandit disappeared in a puff of black magic.

"We'd better get back to the others," Victor noted, Heidi and Lana nodding.

Lana took one last took at the lair, and at Lizzie's body, before turning around and heading back to the arcade.

Lana took the hat from Victor and opened the arcade door.

As she entered, she held her breath...

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