Chapter 10: The Un-named Bandit- Part 1

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Author's Note: Before you mention the picture, I know. If you've kept up with this, they said last chapter they're gonna work as a team and this seemed fitting. Anyway, thought I should clear that up. Now, let's get on with the chapter!

Your Author, Marbella. <3 

Another thing: Slight trigger warning for brutal ways of dying for the puzzle in this chapter. Just a warning.


"We're going to move forward."

"We're going to move forward, as a team."


Valentina's POV:

Now we've agreed to start working as a team, we really need to put that idea into motion before someone gets mad again and ruins the team dynamic.

We were sat in the lounge, trying to regroup our thoughts and emotions, ready to take on our third hour of the night.

"We should try to find this next artifact, you know." Lizzie urged, wanting us to move forward.

We search the lounge, since the artifact was in here last time.

Whilst we were searching, we heard a loud crash outside, as if something was thrown from the balcony.

"AH!" Lizzie squeaked, terrified by the noise.

"Maybe we should go outside and see what that was," I suggest, hoping it could lead us somewhere.

"It could contain our next big lead."

"Yeah, I gotta agree with Val for once," Zach said.

We open the lounge door and see what the hell just happened.

Lizzie: 'Every time we've gone outside, something... not very nice has happened. So, I'm just over here, thinking 'Please can we not go outside?'. But guess what? *Cue exaggerated silence* We're going outside, anyhow.'

We head outside and see a body bag outside on a cotton candy machine.

"Do you guys believe we should open it? It's going to have something inside, I'm guessing." Gear suggested.

I helped Veronica open the body bag and, low and behold, a body was inside it.

"WHAT THE!?" Vanessa shouted, jumping back.

"Wait, there's a book in here," I say, grabbing it and holding it to my chest.

"I think we should go back inside, don't you think? Before something pounces on us?" Lia hinted, hoping we don't get ourselves killed.

"Yeah, let's go. I don't enjoy being out here in the dark." Lizzie stated.

Lia: 'So, now that we've solved the body incident, we go back to the lounge and read this book we found.'

We re-enter the lounge and I read the book I found to the group.

It read:

'I will soon find the Bandit's Hat. Many have died seeking to get it. After gathering their obituaries, I realised their deaths link to those in the works of Maureena Waterlily. If you place these volumes in their proper order, the hat will be shown. The obituaries hold the key.'

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