"What else do you want?" he asked calmly.

"To look at you. I want to touch your face with my hands."

Astonished, Aleks gaped at the demon. Why does he want to know what I look like? Is he planning something I don't know about?

As if reading Aleks' thoughts, he added, "Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you. I have no bad intentions. I just want to know what the face of the person who saved me looks like."

Should Aleks believe him? On the other hand, why would Belial lie? No, Belial didn't lie, I was sure. He knew because he could "taste" lies like Belial.

When someone lied, Aleks got a bitter taste in his mouth. Always. He, however, didn't know if it worked with demons. Either Belial had told the truth until now, or his gift was limited to humans. He decided to give the demon the benefit of the doubt because, despite the situation in which they found themselves, except the bite attack, he didn't feel like he was in any danger.

"I agree."

"Good," Belial grinned before continuing, "Let's start from the beginning. You human beings have this book in which everything is written about men, heaven, hell, and purgatory. Everything in this book is true but not quite as the dear prophets wrote it. At the moment, hell is ruled by the seven lords of hell and isn't a place full of fire and brimstone though of course, there are areas where the damned/ twisted/ evil souls burn. But for a long time, demons on earth have been moving among human beings - unrecognized and hidden.
In total, there are three categories of demons: those born in hell to other demons, those who were once human souls but refuse rebirth, and last but not least, angels who have fallen and ended up in hell. Beelzebub or also called Sereph is the best known of the first and Lucifer is the best known of the last variety. I was born and raised in hell a long time ago. I lived in the area ruled by the Prince of Hell Astaroth. In the end, life as a born demon in hell is similar to that of a human on Earth; you usually grow up in a family, learn a job, work and start a family. The difference is the bond that demons can form with each other. Humans just marry someone to reproduce whereas with demons that isn't the case. Each demon has a second half which is called their heart. As soon as you reach maturity, you set out in search of it.
I searched for my heart for centuries, but I couldn't find it, so I decided to search on Earth. I've lived in the human world undetected for a few years but then I was ambushed and attacked in the park. I dragged myself into the side street and prepared myself for death but instead of death you came."

Aleks listened silently to Belial's story. There was so much prejudice against demons, so many negative rumors. However, in the end, they hardly differed from humans and this circumstance saddened Aleks.

"So, you haven't found your heart?"

Belial shook his head. For some reason, Aleks felt relieved.

"You told me you were betrayed. Why were you attacked?"

The demon pondered briefly about how to answer but finally settled upon telling the truth. "As I said earlier, everyone chooses a profession. From a young age, I was fast and skillful, but also unusually strong. My magic was also far above the level of the others. In hell, you are divided into different classes based on strength and abilities. Class E is the lowest, where demons are categorized with weak or scarce magic and those in this class usually practice simple professions such as farmers, traders, etc. In Class A are demons with strong magical and physical abilities and most of the time they become officers in the military of the respective armies of the princes of hell or they become mercenaries."

"Is A the highest class? Which class do you belong to?"

"A is not the highest rank. The Lords of Hell and a few other demons have the so-called S rank. Only those who reach this rank have the potential to become a hell prince and have the right to challenge one for this position. However, only a few manage to do this, as even with a lot of training and experience, the magical disposition plays a decisive role."

"So, there is no way for a demon of the lowest rank to become a prince of hell?"

"It is and that's why I was hunted. The strength of magic is closely linked to the strength of the soul. Demons can deprive others of their souls and thus their magic. Assuming a peasant absorbed the soul of a prince of hell, he would automatically have his power. However, this is virtually impossible, which is why demons try to absorb and incorporate other demons of slightly higher ranks than them instead of trying to absorb the highest rank right from the start."

Aleks had to swallow, one question was playing on his mind which he didn't dare ask at first but finally decided that he would. "What about human souls? Do demons steal human souls?"


Now you have learned more about Belial's and Aleks' origins. However, the last question hasn't yet been answered. What do you think?

Do demons eat people's souls?

What answer could Belial give him?

If you have an idea write it in the comments ;D


Your Mouse Goddess

PS: The one I'm planning an early smut scene, do you have any wishes? If so, write to me or post it here. =)

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant