Chapter 21: -OLD version

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This is the first version of chapter 21 that I published at first but then decided to redo it and just left it alone for a while. I'm now re releasing it as a piece that didn't make it into the final part.

15 years after revealing the statue

Henry Pov

It has Been 15 years since the death of my sister and every year on the day she died it brings me bad memories of how I thought I was not strong enough to be able to protect her. It affected the whole team at different points in its own different way. Tho Bose got it the worst, Even though he was able to talk to her everyday throughout the year he mind seemed more focused on trying to connect to chapa. It got to the point where he could not fight crime, his mind was slowly being corrupted by this power, Like he was trying to let chapa control him. It only took a few years then during a battle he was fighting a small criminal and all of a sudden a floating gun pointed itself at bose. Everyone froze watching what would happen, as quick as the silence came it was replaced with the sound of an explosion as a bullet left the barrel of the pistol aiming at the staring bose. It only took itself a few seconds before the bullet shot clean straight through Bose's skull. As the bullet left his head the gun dropped as fast as Bose's body fell to the ground. Blood stained the floor as everyone stood frozen at Bose's body. Me, Ray and Scwhoz investigated why Bose might have killed himself but it all led to nothing, Hope peace for him and that he is enjoying the after life with his crush. Next Miles and Mika they both were affected with the loss of chapa as a friend. They knew the risk that came with the job but for them they didn't know it would be like this, But they found a way to coupe. Ray on the other hand had it hard. He heard everything that chapa was going through and he wanted to help her, he was thinking about adopting. That night when he found me and realized what happened, affected him emotionally as much as the others but unlike bose Ray had the ways to coup. His ideas of having a family died that night and he felt as he failed Danger force, Just like me he felt like he wasn't able to save his own team from themself it took him some time to think but a year after the accident he retired giving us his best of wishes and his full support he need personal time, I was the one to replace him as captain man. As time passed Miles decided to live a normal life and give up being awol leaving me and mika to raise the new generation of super heroes. Every sense then it's been a hard time as we approach the 15 year anniversary of Volts death and captain man's early retirement, Me, Mika, and the new team will be hosting the ceremony for the fallen heroes well also meeting up with Miles, I can not wait to see miles again. I better get the team ready!

If you like this book I have made a sequel, danger force phantom force, released on my profile. I have the first few chapter released and am working on getting more done. Thank  for reading and have a great day!

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