Chapter 3

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*A/N - Includes some what graphic visuals


Mika and Miles were standing around the front of the building waiting for chapa and Bose to return from inside. After five minutes passed, Mika was stating to worry for the safety of Chapa and Bose. "Should we go get in there and see what could be the trouble", Mike questioned Miles  rather timidly, "No they should be fine the universe will choose my path" Miles responded rather confidently in knowing the right way. As miles finished, Ray came out of the Van, "Shoutout!! What is going on here? Why are we here?"

Inside the building:

Chapa was think of the worst thing that could happen, she was starting to wonder why Mika and at least Miles has not came in to see what was taking them so long. Chapa started looking around she started to notice bare human footprints in the dust. As she was look she felt the wood and drywall mix shifting. As it moved pushing down she could feel each the weight of the materials move around her a pain in her lower back strike her like a high speeding train. The weight shifting also gave her some ability to move her arms a small amount, with the chance she tried moving her arms they were weak but after some tries she could feel the cracks in the floor around here and what could be felt as liquid around her. When chapa felt the liquid around chest she got nervous trying to figure out what could be the issue. Chapa took a glimpse around the room she glanced at Bose, he seemed like he was still unconscious. After a few seconds the hissing of the monster could be heard followed by a loud bang and the building violently shaking. As the building was shaking more debris fell on top of the already stacking material. the pain before intensified, she was close to what she felt as passing out.  


Mika and Miles both heard a Hissing and then saw the of the building violently shake. Ray saw the shaking, quickly grabbed Mika and Miles and started running inside the van, as the building started to close in on itself. Once ray got them in the van, they could feel the force of the building collapse push against the van. the screen were covered in static and dust. Mika and Miles were more worried thing of what could have happened to Chapa and Bose as Ray was holding Mika and miles. After a few minutes the dust was settling down, Mika saw a glimpse of the outside through the damaged camera, she forced her way out of of the van pushing Ray out of the way. When Mika got out of the van she saw most of the building collapse in. Once Ray and Miles got to Mikas side, the twins were on their knees with tears flowing down there checks. The building was not the same most of the support and walls in the front was gone. Looking at the building it had somewhat of a slope to it but with little chances of them being alive due to the explosion. "we need to check the area they have to be alive!' Mika practically screaming at ray as he was starting to drag them away. ray responded "There is no chance they are alive, we have to go." "we cant just leave them, they are alive in there they need our help." Miles still shocked hoping for a miracle for them to be alive. "we don't have the equipment to search this whole wreck, we need to go there are more crimes being committed are town!", responded ray with a mix of sadness and a hint of anger. Mika stared at Ray with tears flowing, "we we we ... cccant llleave themmmm we need to ... help them, they they are alive III can feel It." filled with sadness and little hope. She wanted to know whether they were alive or dead, she knew there was a small chance they would survive.

*A Few Minutes Later*

Ray gave into Mika's begging and pleading, he messaged Schwoz to bring equipment to do a search for Chapa and Bose. After that Mika and Ray started heading to the wreckage of the building right as Miles shouted, "MIKA! RAY! look out!!". Ray turned his head seeing what looks to be someone parachuting to them. The mysterious person did not look like Schwoz but It didn't matter to Ray, He lifted mika up and ran back to Miles. (Mysterious Person = MP) As the MP was about to hit the wreck ray went to shield the twins of what could happen. As the MP hit the wreak Mika saw a glimpse of what could be a shield activate. Mika ran to the location with Ray and Miles in toe, They could hear what was could be talking between two people giving Mika more energy to fight through. As Mika started to climb the building, loss debris rolled under her slowing her down. As she was reaching the top of the wreckage she could hear punches being thrown then the fighting stopped as talking returned for a few seconds, Then out of left base a gunshot echoed. She dropped before the hole on top the wreck, she glimpsed in the dark cavern inside. Inside the room she could see light coming from a side of the room absolving the darkness in the room. She could see Bose unconscious trapped and the MP trying to get Bose out. Mika scream full of misery and regret for Ray and Miles The MP Got Bose out and on the floor, Then paused and stared directly at Mika. Mika stared into the masked eyes of the MP with the feeling of knowing who was behind the mask helping them. As Ray and Miles got closer to Mika the MP looked to the hole in the wall then back at Mika well dropping a note then running away. Mika paused think for a seconds then dropped down into the "cave", picking up the note and putting it away before Ray and Miles could see it. Mika crouched next to Bose he was awake, weak and fading fast, he was bleeding and in pain they need to bring him to schwoz. Bose  weakly whispered with all his might to Mika before passing out, "she ... took h". Ray had Miles teleport with Bose to Schwoz to get a better chance of him surviving. As miles disappeared Ray walked to the Man Van waiting for mika. When Ray and Miles was gone Mika examined the Note, "Hello Mika, Please don't tell the others but I need your help to save Chapa. Meet me at the wreckage of the man cave tonight." Mika thought hard she had a guess at who the Masked man was, but how did he know Chapa was in trouble and how does he relate to Chapa and the Kidnapper. She pocketed the note got into the van and Ray and Mika took there journey to the Man Nest.

*A/N - Thanks for reading, there are more chapters to come. What do you think will happen? Who do you think the Masked Man is? Have a good day and see you next time!!

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