Chapter 4

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When Ray and Mike got into the man's nest there was chaos with Schwoz trying to get Bose into the infirmary well Miles gathered all the medical equipment. Mika stood on the pad watching the chaos unfold well thinking of the masked man. She had to stop thinking of him right now And had to help Schwoz get Bose healing. Mika and Schwoz finally were able to get Bose I think the infirmary, "Mika you might want to wait and watch a movie with the others it will be a good minute." Shwoz said will confidence in what he was doing. Mika left the room and saw Ray and Miles playing a game. Mike calmed down a bit relaxed and thought if she should really meet up with the masked man. She was thinking about it for some time when Schwoz walked in a little tense. "Schwoz, how is Bose going to be '' Miles questioned, bringing Mika out of her mind looking curiously at Schwoz. "Uh oh I have good and bad new uh how do I see this? Uh Bose is lucky to be alive let just say that from what you told me he is lucky. The only thing is he is really weak, he might not survive, I am trying my best but there is only so much I can do to help him." Schwoz came out trying not to sugarcoat the problem. After hearing that Bose might die The twins were crushed. Seeing how they had to deal with the last few hours, Ray decided it would be best for the twins to get some rest, "Mika Miles take the rest of the day off. You had one of the worst days today." Ray stated. The twins didn't want to leave but knew if they didn't go they would not be able to help Chapa and Bose. So they agreed on the condition that ray keep them posted on what's happening, Ray agreed.

As The twins were leaving Swag, Mika remembered the note about the meeting. Mika thought for one last seconds would this be a good choice to make to meet up with this unknown person. When the twin left the school, Mika stopped just staring into space. "Mika, Mika, you coming?" Miles questioned her "Oh sorry I day dreaming Sorry Miles I'm going to meet some friends at Hip Hop purée". Miles looked at his sister for a few seconds "okay well have fun", He continued to walk home. As Mika watched miles walk home she was thinking of what she was getting herself into. She started her journey walking to what used to be junk and stuff. When she got to the location she could see the damage there were cracks in the brick with no windows or doors. Part of the internal walls were gone but the elevator still looked functional. The doors to the elevator opened as she approached. She saw the mask the person was wearing on a stool in the elevator she entered and pushed the taped button on level 2. As the doors closed she examined the mask, It looked to have a lcd screen inside with a camera and night vision. As she was examining the mask she didn't realize the elevator stopped. She jumped from the sound of the bell, after a seconds of calming down she slowly walked into the room. The room looked damaged but functional, she saw it look exactly like what Ray and schoz would talk about. She looked around the room and saw a note on a podium, this was not the same handwriting. She glanced over the note " Ray incase of emergencies and if you did not like the Man's Nest if you found this cave, this was going to be an ultimate man cave with better security and better crime fighting features like more weapons and quicker locators. -schwoz". As she was reading the note the Masked person walked out from behind what looked to be a snack machine. "Hello Mika, Glad you could make it, did you come alone?", The masked figure said through a voice changer. "Yes, First who are you?" Mika replied, "Just like Charlotte, So quick-witted if you have to know", As he takes off the mask, "It is me, Henry". Mika stared at Henry, "Henry, Why are you here? Why not tell Ray? Why are you doing this". "First mika, I am here to save my sister, please don't tell the other about this. The only other people alive that know about us being related is Schwoz." Henry spoke looking at Mika. "I need your help to find Chapa and to save her. Schwoz already started looking for her GPS location but it appears that the tracker was destroyed." Henry said looking at the screen. "Why not come back to the Man's Nest and get ray to help?" mika question trying to get henry to join. "I need to do this to keep our secret safe and not harming more people?" As Henry said that she thought about how much danger she is getting into already by knowing this info. She looked at Henry as he was looking at the screen trying to locate Chapa, He had some tears rolling down his cheek. He was hurt. He knew he could not save chapa all the time but he could also feel the pain she was going through.

*Thanks for reading this. Have a great day*

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