Chapter 19

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Bose POV

As I walked back to the man's nest I continued to feel better like I had a full day of rest. I did have time to think over what I did and I felt terrible for my actions. I hope they can forgive me. As I entered the man's nest I could see Henry and Mika on the couch playing chess. "Oh, hay Bose. How are you doing?" Mika responded as she noticed me entering. At first I was taken aback from the tone of her voice, it felt like time was reversed to before this big event even happened. I felt so confused even one seemed to move past chapa being gone and everything seemed to be back to normal. I was slowly starting to feel enraged, "Have you no sense of decency, guys? (If anyone is learning about McCarthyism you would know that phrase I'm sorry I had to use it) Chapa is gone and everyone's going about their day as nothing happened!" I screamed in rage, finishing as Ray walked in, "quiet down and take a seat everyone I want to talk about this plan." I was pissed off but listened, as Mika and Henry looked at me confused. "Okay everyone, I was thinking that we could build a statue of volt to honor chapa, how does that sound? What ideas do you guys have?" Ray asked all of us, I froze realizing my mistake that I jumped to conclusions. "Mika, Henry, I'm sorry for screaming at you guys." I whispered at Mika and Henry with sorrow in my voice. Mika and Henry looked at me for a second then back at each other then back at me as Henry responded, "it's okay Bose we understand what you're going through." I felt better when they told me that.

Ray asked if we thought that the statue would be a good idea and asking if we knew of a good location. Henry stood up from the coach interrupting Ray, "Let me handle the location of the statue." Ray just looked at Henry with relief from that mess. As Ray called for Mika to follow him as he was leaving I noticed the same blurry ghostly outline start to appear in the corner of the room where chapa was most of the time. I could hear chapa's sweet voice ring through my head, with a wave of warmth and safety. The ghostly figure slowly started to take the shape of chapa, I felt like I was going crazy as henry didn't seem to notice. When Ray and Mika left the room I needed answers if I was going crazy ,"Hey Henry, Is there a way of being able to come back from the dead and talk to the living as a ghost?" he listened to the question paused think as he started to look at me questionly, "uh I don't know? Why do you ask?" He asked. I didn't know what to say or how he would respond if I told him about me seeing chapa, "well uh would you believe me if I told you I could hear and see someone that is dead." as I said that I could hear chapa concerned voices ringing through my eyes, "Bose do you know what your doing?". Henry stopped and with tears starting to form as he started to connect the dots, "Bose, are you saying you can see and hear chapa from the dead." I looked Henry straight in the eyes hoping he would take me seriously, "yes Henry and I feel like i'm going crazy! It feels like she is really there like I'm really talking to her." I responded. Henry looked at me with hope growing in his eyes, "what does this mean Henry?" I asked. "Well this means that chapa somehow learned of a family secret, Did she say anything to you?" I started to question if this was a joke but with chapa there i could feel like she was having trouble connecting to Henry and was planning to use me to communicate, "Yea she said something about being there for us in the future and that she would be watching us." I stared at the glowing figure of chapa as she smiled back at me. It made me feel whole like she was really there. Henry jumped up, "Bose you were one of the closest to her and so you would be the one with enough energy for her to communicate with. Bose you're not going crazy that actually her!" I felt better knowing that it was her but confused on how I could see her and not anyone else. Henry jumped with excitement he knew of any other way he would be able to see chapa again now. Without hesitation he ran for the door, "wait Henry where are you going?" I screamed after him but it was too late he had left.


As Henry ran down the hill to his base he was filled with joy that he would be able to see his sister if his plan worked right. The twins always knew that one day if one would die they may be able to help the other one but they never knew how or why they were able too. Henry ran as fast as he could hoping that Chapa would remember what they talked about, When Henry arrived at Junk and stuff he flowed through the store to the elevator as fast as he could entering his base. He searched around the machine Schwoz built them, hoping it would work. He searched around the room looking for the machine but could not find it. When he was starting to lose hope in finding the machine Henry started throwing things around the command area with anger. He could not have lost the one thing that would help him, Henry felt as though all hope was lost. He went for the coach taking a seat thinking of what chapa would have done, he felt like it was him that should have fallen in the fire and not his sister. Pent up anger was chewing at his soul, his eyes were starting to glow, flames embraced his eyes. Henry was slowly losing control of his emotions and of everything. He grabbed one of the chest off the wall and launched it at the wall dust filled the wall floating around. As the dust fell to the ground Henry looked at the damage he made to the wall, He could spot the wall starting to break and fall apart. Henry walked closer to the wall as something inside shined checking his attention. Staring at the glowing piece he realized it was the missing device. he grabbed the device hope it still worked with a idea slowly being drawn out in his head.

* Thanks for reading. I'm sorry to do this. But I'm adding another chapter to this and I added too much detail that I really don't want to delete so another chapter plus don't want to make the chapter super long. Thanks for reading! Have an amazing day! Peace!

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