Chapter 17

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Henry's POV

After we finally got the fire out I started the search for chapa. Looking around I finally spotted the hole where we were. I looked to the floor to see if I could spot a body searching through the wood scraps. I didn't see anything for a while. After some time I heard Ray call me, I ran to him seeing a burnt body on the ground and a somewhat burnt chest. The pain of losing my sister hit me hard thinking I could have saved her from dying. I could have stopped her before she started it. Ray saw the pain of seeing the body brought to me so he quickly bagged it up to get it examined by Schwoz. I was still questioning chapa's ideal behind why she did it. I grabbed the chest and opened it to find a note, I didn't truly know if I wanted to read it but I did. I skimmed through it as I read the handwritten note from chapa saying," she was in so much pain that she couldn't handle anymore. She needed the pain to go away and that she was sorry and didn't want to hurt us. She was finally happy to see her parents again but was regretting leaving me behind." At least I knew she would be watching us and protecting us when she could. I was hurt badly from it. I didn't know how to tell her boyfriend Bose or the twins about it. I was on the floor too weak to move. Ray came back to help me bring my back to the man van, we drove back in complete silence. It was hard.I felt like sleeping for a while wanting to forget about what just happened. When we made it back to the man's nest I could not tell and really didn't want to tell them yet. As Ray and I walked into the Man's nest I ran straight to Chapa's room in tears passing Mika and miles on the coach. They stared at me as I went by my head in my hands, then at Ray as he sat down. They were curious as to why I ran away.


As Ray was sitting down thinking, the twins finally found enough courage to ask a question but were questioning who should ask. After a while MIka got up walking straight to ray "Ray, What happened? Where is Chapa?" Mika asked looking at Ray. Ray was hesitant at first thinking of what to tell them and if he should tell them, "Uh MIka," he paused trying to hold back some tears, "uh you guys should go home for the night We can talk about this event later." Mika turned around facing Miles but paused thinking of Ray's tone of voice. At the point thinking of what might have happened, Miles watched feeling some regret as they both walked out of the Man's nest into the dark sky on their journey home. When the twins left Ray went to the infirmary to see if Bose was doing better. When he walked into the infirmary Ray could see An sad Bose, "Hey kiddo whats wrong?" Ray asked. Bose Looked up to ray with tears rolling down his eyes. "Chapa's gone isn't she? I can feel it." Bose said in tears. Ray questioned the connection for a short time then responded, "Yea, I'm sorry please get some rest we can talk about it tomorrow." Ray looked at Bose as tears flowed down the boy's check; he was more worried about chapa than himself. Bose felt bad that he could have saved chapa if he wasn't weak. It hurt ray even more seeing everyone affected by Chapa's choice. Ray turned to walk away from the healing boy to rest going to see how Henry was. As Ray approached the entrance to chapa's room he could hear Henry crying through the walls. Ray was hesitant to enter the room not wanting to do more damage but also wanting to help a friend. Ray didn't know what to do to help Henry. Henry was in the room reflecting on the note he was keeping secrets. He wanted to have some hope that chapa was just playing a cruel prank on him, but for the first time he felt an empty connection to his sister. Henry wasn't ready to let go; he didn't want to move forward from the past. He could not imagine the future with out his sister.

*Thanks for reading I hope you have a great day! Peace!*

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