Chapter 5

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*A/N the ending of this chapter may get a little creepy to some people, enjoy.*


Mika could see the pain in Henry's eyes, It was getting late. "Henry, I'll help you. I understand you do not want to get the rest of the team involved but please listen. I think this is a bad idea please at least let them know you're here." Mika said, trying to convince him to do the best thing. "I'm sorry I can't," Henry said with a tone of pain and worry. "Okay" responded Mika trying to understand what he has been going through. Mika looked at the clock realizing how late it was "sorry henry I have to go." she said in a hurry leaving the room. She pulled out her phone as she left the building looking at the twenty or so text messages from Miles


Miles - Hurry up!

Miles - What's taking so long

Miles - I can't keep covering for you, sis!

Miles - Mom and Dad are worried, they said 5 minutes to get home.

Mika - I'm rushing home, tell them I had to stop back at work there was a problem

Miles - Okay i'll try

Mika - hey Miles, you think you could save me a little time?

Miles - You know I should not, but how far are you?

Mika - 5ish min walk

Miles - give me a seconds

Miles - Sorry I can't. they will hear they are watching me :(

Mika - Okay thanks.

The Twin's parents asked Miles what Mika was doing and when she was planning to get back they gave up and went to bed. Mika climbed into her room through her finding Miles on a chair waiting for her. "Mika, Please tell me what you were doing?" Miles questioned "just hanging around with friends!" "Oh really? Then why were you at Junk and stuff?" Miles pushed "to explore, they wanted to explore it!" Mika said, trying to think of a lie. "But i didn't see anyone else?" Miles went further. "Fine you got me, I don't have any other friends. Are you happy!", Mika said as she pushed him out of her room and locked the door. As she looked back she saw a note on her door and on the floor. She grabbed the one on the floor first looking at it, " Ha HA I knew it!!" she knew the writing style was her brother she ripped the note up and recycled it. She grabbed the second note, It didn't have the same writing style as Miles, Schwoz, or Henry. The note read " Congratulations, on joining the Game of your life! Please Thank that loser danger for making this so easy to win the game! The Hunt begins here is that tracker and a hint to Chapa's location hurry up!!". As Mika finished the note she felt as though someone was watching her. She looked out her window to see what looked to be a person on the roof of the house outside. She froze in shock of what was happening, after a few seconds her phone dinged with two texts both showing random numbers. The first she thought was Henry reading, "I'm sorry I brought you into this. Please forgive me". The seconds, "Have a good night! See you around, Shoutout" as she finished the text she could see the person running from roof to roof. Mika tried to go to sleep but could not. 

*Thanks for reading this. Have a great day.*

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