Chapter 2

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MIKA POV (right when the group split up):

when we decided which team would go where, Miles and I were luck to not have to go search the dark building. To be honest I was fine being on the outside just I got a strong gut feeling this was a trap. when Miles and I started looking around the building we did not find anything suspicious. when we got to the back of the building, we could see how bad unstable that building was. we could barely see what looks to be like a flashlight coming out of the empty holes for windows. as we stared at the empty spot for a window covered in dust and cob webs, we could see the light from a flashlight flicker then a clunk as if it was dropped on the floor. I turned to miles, " should we go in?" miles questioned I stared at him think of the many possibility of what could happen in there. I notice I start to shake Miles grabbed my shoulder, "its okay chapa knows what to do if anything goes wrong" he whispered in my ear, for once I know he was right. We started going back to the front thinking that Bose and chapa was waiting for us there. 

Chapa POV (present time):

I could not believe what happened in this creepy room. My flashlight and walkie talkie both mysteriously stopped working and I cant find Bose anywhere in this room. I keep hearing something around me like I'm being watched. I look around once and see what looks to be some wood drop beside me luckily it missed. Looking closer at the wood it seems to be covered in some liquid. I can not tell what the liquid is from the glance but there is something wrong going on here. As I get back to look for Bose I hear a hiss from above me.  as I turn to look what made the sound I feel the cold dusty ground on my face. as i try to move i notice that my arms and legs are pinned to the ground. looking toward the middle of the room I can barely see Bose on the standing up walking towards me. As I try to scream for him to leave and get the others almost no noise is release. The next thing I see is Bose on the ground, unconscious under drywall and wood beams. Great, Now we are stuck here with some monster for the time being. "Bose wake up, come on Bose" I manage to whisper out to him. waiting some time Bose shows no signs off waking up. This can be, this can not be how my life ends stuck under what what could be some wood and drywall. I know there will be someone out there that can help me, I just hope its not him. I hope Miles and Mika saves us before he does, I try one more time to scream for help hoping for miles or mika to hear it and also for Bose to wake up well not giving who every attacked a reason to attack faster. No sound comes out just my luck. I hope Mika and miles are at least safe and come up with a plan fast.

*A/N: Do you guys like long stories or shorter stories? Just to let you know the person Chapa is not talking about captain man. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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