"Damn it!" Kelley says aloud, drawing the attention of her tablemates.

"S'up, KO? You not happy about spending a little extra time with Lyss and me?" 

"No. Kasey's flight is scheduled to arrive at 3:45, and I was planning on meeting her at the airport. I'm quite certain that Jill won't let me leave training early to get her." 

"You could always ask. Jill seems to actually like Kasey being around." 

"True. I guess it won't hurt to ask." 

Kelley stands up and makes her way over to where the coaching staff are sitting and talking. 

"Jill, can I speak with you for a moment?" 

"What's on your mind, O'Hara? And if it's to request a roommate change, the answer is no. You and Emily are no longer allowed to share a room." 

"I wasn't going to ask for a change. I like being with Al, anyways, Kasey is coming here for the game, and I was planning on driving to the airport to pick her up. The problem being is that our session is scheduled at the same time as her flight lands. Would it be possible for me to leave a bit early?" 

"Kelley, you know it's the team policy that if a player misses practice without a valid reason, then they don't play in the game. I'm sorry, but I can't justify allowing you to leave early to pick up your girlfriend and then having you start."

Kelley nods, "I understand; thanks, Coach." 

Kelley makes her way back over to the table and sits down, "If I don't practice or stay for the entire session, I'm not starting. I really don't want to message Kase and tell her that she has to find her own way here." 

"KO, you have your car here, right?" Ashlyn asks. 

Kelley nods, "Yeah, Kailen and I drove here so that I would have wheels; why?" 

"Because I have the solution to your dilemma."

"What? You are going to pick Kasey up instead? It's not like you'd be starting anyways." 

"Ouch, that hurts! Just for that, forget I mentioned anything." 

"Ash, come on, spill." 

Ashlyn smiles, "Ali. She came along to visit some friends and relatives. In fact, she's out to breakfast with a couple of them right now. I'm sure that if you asked her, she would gladly pick Kasey up. She knows the area and wants to meet her. Kills two birds with one stone." 

Kelley reaches over and hugs the keeper before placing a kiss on her cheek, "Thanks Ash, I'm calling Kriegs right now." 

Ring ... ring ... ring

"S'up, KO? I'm kinda busy at the moment." 

"I know, and I'm sorry to interrupt. I need a favour, and Ash mentioned that you might be able to help me out. " 

"What is it?" 

"Kasey's flight is arriving at 3:45 today, and I had planned on meeting her at the airport, but now Jill has extended training, and I won't be able to. Would it be possible for you to meet her flight for me? I drove here, and I could pass my keys along to Ash for you. Please, Kriegs? I would owe you big time." 

"Big-time, huh?" She hears Ali laughing before responding, "I'm in. I was planning on just chilling this afternoon anyway, and I'd really like to meet Kasey. Ash speaks very highly of her and her daughter, Kylie, right?" 

Wild ThingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz