"Why's that?" Calum asks me.

"I asked him to." I smirk. "He loves me so he's obviously gonna do it."

"I think he's not gonna listen to you and dye it... purple." He says.

"Sure. He told me he was dying it today. He said he was gonna tweet a picture tomorrow at the airport before me and Kim leave." I smile.

"What ever you say Shaylee. I still think he's gonna dye it purple." He says, getting off the bed, folding his arms across his chest and starts walking towards the door.

"Cal!" I whine, "Come back and cuddle." I make puppy dog eyes, "You were keeping me warm."

He shakes his head no and reaches for the door knob. As he opens the door, someone knocks. Before I could get up to see who it is, I hear Calum say, "Shit Michael." He pauses for a second, "You look like a fucking blue berry." I get up and laugh when I see a blue haired Michael standing in the doorway.

"What's so funny, Shaylee?" Michael asks me.

I continue to laugh but manage to get my answer out, "He didn't believe me. Not even for a second."

"You know just because your girlfriend is blonde that doesn't make her stupid." Michael says in a "duh" tone. Michael's comment to Calum just causes me to laugh more.

"How do you mange to make my girlfriend laugh more than me?" Calum asks Michael.

"What can I say?" He says, shrugging his shoulders, "The ladies love me....... they used to love Daniel too." He finishes, pretending to cry.

I walk up to Michael and hug him, "Two minutes ago I was crying. Two minutes later I'm peeing my pants because I'm laughing so much." I smile.

"What, I don't get a hug?" Calum asks me.

"Nope." I giggle, tightening my grip on Michael.

I finally let him go and the three of us cross the hall so we're in Ashton and Michael's room. I lay down next to Ashton, who I find scrolling through Twitter. Ash let's out a sigh.

"What's wrong Ashton?" I ask him.

"People are starting to find out about Bryana. People are saying really bad things about her." He says.

"Well, to be honest Ashton. She's not the best person in the world. Remember the other day when me, you, Cal, and Bryana went to the mall?" I start. He nods his head, "Bryana and I were at the food court and she called me a fat pig. Then when I told her I was pregnant, she called me a whore." I tell him.

"What?" Ashton asks in complete shock.

"I got it all on record if you don't believe me. She's really not a good person, Ash. I've seen on Twitter she's not treating fans very nicely either." I say, trying to stay calm. This Bryana girl is hurting Ashton. He's changed because of her. I honestly think she's using him.

In my totally honest opinion she's using Ashton for money and popularity. No one should ever use anyone, especially when it's Ashton. He's such a good person. He's sweet, caring, funny, thoughtful, and he's also very cute.He doesn't deserve to be used. That is if my theory is right and she is indeed using him.

I watch as Ashton's eyes begin to brim with tears. I look at him with sad eyes and give him a hug. Instead of saying anything nice, like he usually does, he pushes me off the bed, away from him. "Leave." He whispers.

I look up at him, "What?" I ask, extremely confused.

"You heard me, leave. All of you. You have no right what so ever to talk about my girlfriend like that! Do you think I care if Bryana called you a whore or a fat pig?!  'Cause I don't! She was telling you the cold hard truth anyway!" Ashton yells.

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