Lauren and I stood outside of the Temple, gazing at the huge building. Waves of fear and nervousness shot through me as I braced myself for a dragon to come out and attack us. But none ever did, and I tried to relax but I kept playing what had happened last night over and over in my head.

"This way," Lauren whispered and we rounded to the left side of the Temple.

We paused and gazed up at the wall. The moonlight above shined down, revealing text markings in another language carved into the stone wall. It seemed like it was Latin.

Upon seeing it I felt waves of negativity sweep over me. I shivered, recalling the waves of Black Magic that had seeped over me when Lilith had attacked me. I tried to block out those memories. I couldn't think about that right now.

"Stand back," Lauren instructed.

I did as she said and watched her step up to the wall. She spread her arms out and began chanting the words out loud, her voice raising an octave with every word she spoke.

The words on the wall began to glow, casting an eerie light on her as her chant grew louder and louder. I grew increasingly nervous as the light grew brighter and brighter to the point it was blinding. I covered my eyes with my hand when the light overtook me completely.

Luna's ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now