One of the medical sorcerers suddenly barrelled out of the infirmary, an alarmed look on his face. We leapt to our feet, worried it had something to do with Luna.

"Are you all friends with Grace Johnson?" he demanded as he rushed over to us.

"Yes," Flynn said and stepped forward to him. "Is everything alright?"

"Which one of you donated blood to her?" he demanded.

"Me," Tori said as she stepped forward.

"Does she have any shapeshifter DNA in her family? Did she have a relative that was a shapeshifter?"

My stomach sank and I slowly turned to look at Tori, who'd turn as white as a sheet.

"I - I don't think so," Tori stammered nervously. "Why?"

"Her body's trying to shift. Shapeshifter cells have entered her bloodstream and she's basically becoming a shapeshifter."

Ah, shit.

Janet suddenly rushed out of the infirmary. She'd been with us after we managed to get out of the collapsed castle and had miraculously been uninjured and ran off to the infirmary without waiting to see if anyone else was okay.

She was apparently fine but looked worried. "We do. I saw an ancestry book in our grandma's house. We have a shapeshifter in our family's history that's recent enough. She was our great, great grandmother, which is close enough to resurrect the shapeshifter DNA inside of her and her body's starting to become a shapeshifter."

Tori's eyebrows almost rose to her hairline. "Why didn't you tell us any of this before?"

Janet rolled her eyes. "We didn't have time since we were in a hurry to destroy that amulet, so it was not a good time, and I didn't expect you to give blood to my cousin."

Tori's eyes flashed with anger. "If you'd been there -"

Laura placed a warning hand on Tori's arm. Tori clamped her mouth close but still glared at Janet. To be honest, I was already sick of Janet's shit. I hadn't even known Janet for that long and could already see why Luna didn't like to talk to her.

Laura gave Janet a stern look. "Janet, I know you're worried about Luna, but we need to stay calm and try to get along. Tori was doing the only thing she thought of to help Luna because the medical sorcerer was saying that she'd lost a lot of blood and Tori was the only capable person to do it at that time. She wasn't contemplating that you all might have shapeshifter ancestry."

A guilty look passed over Janet's face briefly. "I'm sorry, I just. . . I didn't know she was that injured."

"We're trying to stabilize her the best we can," the medical sorcerer was saying. "We've never had to deal with anything like this in our realm before. We've put a sleeping spell on her while we healed her, but her body keeps trying to shift and she's going to be in so much when she wakes up."

"I can help you all," Peter said. "I've never dealt with anything quite like this, but in one of the classes I took it taught us how to help someone who's actually transforming into a shapeshifter. I'm also part sorcerer."

"Anything you can do," the sorcerer said and waved him inside.

"Dad, we can help," Tara said.

Peter hesitated, but he nodded. "Come on, we're going to have a lot of work to do."

Peter, Christian, and the girls went inside. The rest of us tried to follow, but like before we were blocked. We still weren't allowed inside. It was frustrating but we couldn't stand there and argue with them while they were trying to help the injured people in there.

Luna's ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now