"My name's Dominic," the sorcerer said. "I'm not a Coven member, but I will be training to become one real soon - at least, before all this happened. I was given a brief, basic overview of some of the magic that Coven members use. It's not much, but I can help you start."

"Just teach us anything you can," I insisted. "I don't care how little it is, just teach us."

The three of us started to walk back to the front of the infirmary when a tall sorcerer with cropped black hair stopped us.

"I know some of the magic as well," he said. "I can help you all out."

"So will I," a sorceress with golden hair and bright blue eyes said.

"Anyone who can help us, please do," Belle called out.

"This is prosperous!" Agatha shouted.

I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. Damn, but this woman was annoying.

"Agatha," Dominic said sharply. "If you're not going to help us, then stay out of our way."

Agatha stood in front of us and crossed her arms over her chest. "I will not allow half-breeds contaminate our sacred magic!"

Everyone stopped cold when she said that.

"What did you call me?" I asked in a low, furious voice.

I had not been in the supernatural world long, but what I did know was that the term half-breed was a huge insult to the supernatural beings that were a combination of two different supernaturals. I knew how much others discriminated against hybrids and how much they were looked down on.

I knew the Lewis's were hybrids. They said they'd been fortunate enough to not have faced any discrimination for what they were, but they've told that a good friend of theirs who was a hybrid had gone through a lot of crap in her life because of what she was born as.

This woman had not only insulted me, but the people who had become our family.

A guilty expression briefly passed over Agatha's face before it hardened again. "I mean it. If we allow these people to penetrate our magic, then we're going to lose everything we've ever worked for."

Everything inside of me wanted to slap the woman hard across the face for something so idiotic and cruel. . .but I didn't. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. She wasn't worth the energy.

So I turned around and stalked away. Belle, Dominic, and a huge group of sorcerers and sorceresses followed us. There were some who called out that they agreed with Agatha and we shouldn't be doing this but they stopped when they realized we weren't changing our minds.

Agatha was a different story. She chased us the whole way, yelling and screaming at us the entire time. My patience was going downhill with every word that was coming out of her mouth and I was starting to lose my resolve. If she said one more word. . .

"You're going to ruin everything!" Agatha screamed. "You don't know what

you're doing!"

I tried to count to ten. One, two, three. . .

"There's a reason why we don't let someone from Earth in here!"

. . .four, five, six. . .

"You only bring problems! We should've just closed off the portals a long

time ago!"

. . .seven, eight, nine. . .

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