Not even realizing what I was doing, I shot my hand out and sent the demonic spirit flying backwards. He yelled out as he was being thrown across the air. I ran after him, not even knowing what I was doing. I was suddenly filled with so much rage I couldn't think straight.

Belle was shouting at me but I wasn't listening. I was so focused on inflicting as much pain on the asshole as I could. After what he'd put me, Helen, Johnny, and Jackson through, he deserved as much pain and suffering as there was to give. He was an evil, vindictive soul in life and very much in death.

He deserved no mercy.

Will flew through one of the houses nearby and emerged only moments later. I used my tight hold on him to lift him into the air then send him crashing down on the ground again, causing the earth to tremble. Sorcerers and sorceresses ran out of their houses at the impact and gaped at me as I kept crashing Will into the ground over and over.

Finally, about seven more times, I used my binding spell to hold him on the ground as he coughed. He was transparent and hadn't fully manifested, but he was somehow still solid to feel everything I was doing to him and to impact the world around us. I had no idea how this was possible, but from all the crazy shit that had happened to me in the course of these six months, I learned not to question everything weird happening to me and just go with the flow.

Will coughed and laid there, curled up from pain. There were black smudges around his mouth and eyes, somehow making him look even creepier than he already was.

I towered over him. Belle rushed to my side as the other sorcerers and sorceresses did as well, staring down at Will with bewilderment.

"What is the meaning of this?" a short but muscular sorcerer demanded.

"This spirit was banished to Hell several months ago," I explained to the sorcerer but didn't take my eyes off of Will for one second. "He'd been haunting a classmate at my school and had also harassed me and my friends. I'd seen him banished to Hell and my grandmother and her friend made sure he'd never come back." At the mention of Beth, my mind went back to Anna Marie. I had no idea if Beth had been helping Anna Maire and Lilith or not. Last I saw Beth, she'd been trying to help the others and I figure out a way to get Grandma Marie, Dad, and Lauren out of the Mirror Realm and she'd went home after we couldn't figure it out, then last of I heard about her was that she'd been at the hospital with Anna Marie after she'd gotten injured from a vampire attack at Dad's house, but that was obviously a lie.

Will let out a pained laugh. "Obviously, those two old bats didn't do a good job."

I scowled. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

"To give you a message, from your dear friend Lilith."

The gears in my head clicked. "So she's the one who let you out."

"Took you long enough to figure out. She's going to kill everyone. And by everyone, I mean everyone, every sorceress and sorcerer, werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire, fairy, human, any being who walks and breathes. And she's not stopping there. Every spirit's going to be under her command. Every soul will be controlled by her. There will be no afterlife for anyone, only her world."

That only fueled my anger even more. I was not going to let that happen. I was going to stop her. I was not going to let her destroy everyone and everything. I was not going to let her win.

"There's nothing you can do to stop her," Will angrily spat at me. "She's already taken over the city." A cruel smile widened his lips, making my skin crawl. How could something so evil exist? "She's already gotten your pal Johnny to kill someone. He's already been taken over."

Luna's ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now