
I burst into the infirmary at the Firestorm Coven. We'd been attacked by vampires from the Red Rouges and the building had started to collapse suddenly. Fortunately, there had been a window nearby so Belle, my siblings, my parents, my friend and his parents, Savannah, Ken, Artem, Jamal and Flynn could jump through, but Luna didn't make it.

The castle that the Firestorm Coven had resided in had completely collapsed, trapping Luna and everyone else who had been unfortunate enough to be stuck in there and not make it out.

While my family and friends had made it out, we still had injuries from the unexpected attack. I was pretty sure my ribs were broken, Christian's leg had been nearly snapped in half, Belle's neck had nearly been cut open and was bleeding badly, Trevor's shoulder was dislocated, Flynn had quite a few things broken - okay, everyone was bleeding and had at least one thing broken. Sorcerers and sorceresses that had also lived in the realm whisked us away to a medical infirmary despite our protests that we were trying to make sure our friend was okay, that she was still stuck in the collapsed castle. Despite the pain we were all in and that we knew we needed medical attention as soon as possible, we wanted to make sure that Luna got out of there okay, that she was even alive.

We got to their infirmary and were checked on. All of us were going to be okay and make it through it, that we will heal eventually, but the worry and anxiety that we had over Luna prevented us from having any relief, as well as the rage we all felt over Anna Marie Sinclair's betrayal.

We'd never seen it coming, but from what we'd all been through, we should have known to never let our guard down around anyone, to always be watching someone closely and to never trust anyone one hundred percent. Luna and Anna Marie had been best friends, and she'd been there for Luna since day one. I even felt betrayed myself. I thought Anna Marie had been my friend too, and now I was ready to kick her ass, knock her teeth down her throat, and rip all her hair out. Graphic, I know, but I was filled with so much rage I could hardly see straight.

We laid back in these hospital-like beds as the sorcerers and sorceresses worked their magic - literally - and healed us. They couldn't heal us one hundred percent since there were so many other people that were inside the castle that had been injured and nearly dying so they had to preserve as much energy and magic they could to the ones who needed it the most.

Now, my ribs felt fine other than a dull pain, and everyone else was feeling a lot better and were ready to go out and help the others search for Luna, despite the recommendations for us to remain laying down.

Then we heard about a young sorceress who'd been badly injured with long black hair being brought in, on the verge of death.

I bolted from my bed and ran into the room they said they brought her in, leaving my family and friends behind. I barged in the room and sure enough, Luna was lying on the cot. I felt my heart drop.

She looked like she was dead. Her body looked crushed, evident that she'd suffer from multiple broken bones, blood soaking her midsection and on her pants, bruises painting her skin, her skin a sickly pale with a grayish tint on it.

"We need to give her a blood transfusion," one of the medical sorceresses was saying to another medical sorceress, her face pinched with stress. "We can't give it to her or else it'll drain us from helping everyone else, and everyone else is way too injured to donate anything."

I stepped towards them. "There's no healing magic that can give her a blood transfusion?"

"There is, but it's too much. We'd be so drained that we wouldn't be able to help everyone else and we can't take that risk right now. Too many people are dying."

"I'll do it. I'll donate some blood to her."

Her eyebrows widened. "But you were injured -"

"I'm strong enough to do it, and she doesn't have much time. I'm ninety-five percent fine now and I'm part sorceress, I can do this."

The sorceress gazed at me for a long moment before nodding. "Okay, come with me."

I followed her into a small, cramped room filled with various medical equipment items scattered around in a chaotic mess. She had me sit down on the rolling stool and took out a needle and an IV bag. She wasted no time injecting the needle into my skin and transferred the blood from my arm. I looked away and willed for it to hurry up. I hated needles with a cold hard passion.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she pulled the needle out of my skin and my eyes widened at the huge bag of blood she'd taken from me. I suddenly felt light headed and leaned back against the wall, the world spinning.

"You're going to feel a little light headed after having so much blood taken from you," she explained as she wrapped a bandage around my arm. "Just sit still and take deep, cleansing breaths. You'll feel fine in a few moments." She left before I could reply.

I sat there for a few moments, waiting for the world to stop spinning, before trying to stand up again. My knees wobbled and I stumbled backwards, falling against the wall and sliding down on my ass.

Skylar appeared in the doorway, her left arm and leg taped heavily with bandages.

"Are you okay?" she asked and helped me to my feet.

"Absolutely," I said as I stumbled again.

She steadied me and frowned. "What happened? Why did you come in here?"

"Luna lost a lot of blood. . ." My voice trailed off as I grew dizzy again.

"Is she going to be okay?" she asked then realization dawned on her face. "You donated blood to her?"

"Yes. I didn't have a choice or she'd die."

"But you're a shapeshifter -"

"And part sorceress. It'll be enough to save her and make sure she's alright."

"I know that, but the shapeshifter part - what if she starts turning into one?"

"That'd only happen if she's had past relatives who have shapeshifter DNA, which is unlikely. I seriously doubt anything's going to happen to her."

Skylar frowned. "But we don't know much about her family history. She could have someone."

"Sky, it was the only thing I could think of. I had to save her life somehow. Besides, the odds of a shapeshifter in her family are slim to none. I doubt anything will happen."

Luna's ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now