Watch and learn

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Turtle: Frick i was busy pondering life

Supernova: Fine lets wait

Turtle: Cool

Supernova: Just kidding lol get moving!

Turtle: Ugh

Supernova: Climb up without flying, also avoid the rocks that thunder is gonna be helping to push down the mountain

Thunder: whyyyyy fine

Supernova: Okay, lets go!

Everyone: Walks up really slow because no one is good at climbing*

Rock: *hits moon like its lightning and knocks her all the way down

Qibli: Watch and learn *runs up the mountain*

Thunder: Nah mate *yeets giant electrified tangle of wires at qibli*

Qibli: Bruh

Thunder: Lol

Riverkeeper: Seeing you guys getting hit is as satisfying as watching mosquitos drop like rocks

Supernova: Ya know what? Riverkeeper, go help thunder

Riverkeeper: Bruh fine

Thunder: Yay a helper

Winter: *raises up sickle and hammer*


Supernova: Bruh your climbing up jade mountain, what do you expect? A eating contest instead of a climbing one?

Winter: Fine

Moon: Hmmmm


Me: Yeah communism is cool but have you ever had that satisfying feeling when you ACTUALLY achieved something instead of complaining about it?

Moon: Nah

Me: Yeah me too pass the communism

Supernova: Bruh fine, have some water

Everyone: Cool

Qibli: I know im dead but that was epic, or at least a epic fail, right?

Turtle: Watch and learn :D *speedruns to the top faster than dream*

Thunder: Your hacking *kills turtle with black hole*

Qibli; Haha now im not the only ghost

Turtle: *slaps qibli*

Qibli: Ow! *starts slapping war with turtle*

Kinkajou: You two are sick, learn from this *speedruns to top*

Kinkajou: H-

Anticheat: Nope *kills kinkajou*

Turtle/Qibli: GET REKT NOOB

Kinkajou: Fine *joins in on slapping war*

Peril: Lol time to show these noobs how to REALLY speedrun *plays speedrun music*

Peril: *speedruns to top*

Anticheat: Well, you  get a black hole, so here ya go! *stuffs black hole in perils mouth*

Riverkeeper: Warped peril is disturbing

Thunder: Meh, kinda

Moon: Huh, all these idiots really did that

Winter: Well, dying walking up the mountain is better than dying to anticheat or from hacking, so if we die, thats a plus

Moon: True

Winter: Ya know, this hike has been kinda peace- *gets hit by black hole*

Moon: Huh?

Supernova: This was kinda impossible but you get the book and because winter kinda died unfairly because of your proximity to him and how you didnt get hit, so you get to pick someone else to get another revival book

Everyone: *braces themselves and hope*

Moon: I'm kinda questioning what the hell winter was about to say before he got slammed by a rock so if you tell me, i'll give you the book, deal?

Winter: i mean, sure

Winter: I was going to say the hike was pretty peaceful for us until irony hit me harder than a boomerang flying at mach 10

Supernova: How do you even know those terms?

Winter: Starflight glued them to my mind, dont blame me

Starflight: *nervous laughing*

Starflight: *disintegrates into dust*

Supernova: Alright, pick who you want to revive and hurry up

Winter: Okay, i pick narwhal cause i cant really think of anyone and put him in the palace

Supernova: Done, and you Moon?

Moon: Probably carnelian cause she didnt really deserve to die

Supernova: Cool, done

Supernova: Shes gonna not be at jade mountain for the sake of memories and just be at rubys palace

Everyone: *all whining why they didnt get the book*

Supernova: Shut up because next time we're giving away a surprise, so see you guys next time!

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