The JW insults the tribes

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Supernova: Whats up guys today you guys will have to say one negative thing abouteach tribe lol

Supernova: Also, only one word, and its a adjective for those for are dumb

Winter: Okay

Qibli: Help me

Supernova: No

Supernova: We start with Moon

Moon: Uhm, the icewings are overworking if thats even a word

Supernova: Thats kinda a compliment but move on

Moon: The sandwings are chaotic

Qibli: Thats kinda true, most of the other tribes know us for starting a pointless war and running around stealing stuff

Moon: The mudwings are Overprotective

Moon: The rainwings are oblivious

Kinkajou: Hey!

Moon: Keep in mind your tribe was the one that didnt search for a missing queen sooooo

Kinkajou: Damn, ya got a point there

Moon: The seawings are all anxious basically

Tsunami: Hey!

Moon: I said BASICALLY

Tsunami: Fine!

Moon: The skywings are rude, just take a look at most of the skywings we have met

Peril: I guess Ruby was rude until we took the spell off her

Moon: And my tribe is just plain stupid

Moon: Just take a look at Morrowseer! He was sooooo stupid

The Fandom: Uhm...... Yeah, lets not talk about that

Moon: What?

Supernova: Well, we'll do Winter next and then qibli

Winter: The icewings are stupid, they all got played

Qibli: By who?

WInter: Icewing law

Qibli: Ohhhhhh, i get it

Winter: Most of the nightwings are conniving, i still stand by that, fight me

Moon: I get that my tribe is stupid, but most of them are too stupid to figure out that they can just find another island out at sea instead of torturing rainwings so idk

Winter: I agree with moon, Mudwings are kinda overprotective

Peril: Isnt that kinda a good thing though?

Winter: Sometimes, but most of the time, it just restrains you from doing something you really wanna do

Peril: Fair enough

Winter: Seawings are honestly suffering

Anemone: Howww?

Winter: Bruh, your tribe is literally servants to your mother and more than half of your brothers go unnoticed

Turtle: He be spittin facts though

Winter: The skywings are honestly my favorite tribe so its hard to think of one but i would say they are too distant, just take a look at carnelian, she never wanted to be our friends, idk how none of you noticed

Moon: We all knew that

Winter: Oh, well sandwings are poor and suffering under whatever queen they have


Winter: Literally Half of your tribe is poor enough that they have to start robbing and joining weird mafias

Qibli: What the hell man

Supernova: Qibli, now its your turn to insult all the tribes

Qibli: Ummm the seawings are all just servants like how winter said

Turtle: Yeah, ok

Qibli: The nightwings are stupid

Moon: Yeah we all know it

Qibli: The sandwings are chaotic cause alot of the sandwings in the scorpion den just go around robbing people

QIbli: The Icewings are cold, haha pun go brrrr and you cant stop me

Winter: >:( You will pay later

Qibli: The skywings are scarred

Peril: How?

Qibli: They endured the hardest fighting in the war and they saw you murder multiple dragons and were forced to cheer you on

Peril: Thats true

Winter: And since your done, you can go die now *slaps qibli out of existence*


WInter: You made a pokemon reference what the hell

Me: Actually im not sure if he even quoted it right

Supernova: Next time we'll do the rest of you, see you guys next time!

Wow that was long, about 600 words so that makes this my longest chapter yet, i'll try to update tommorow

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