chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

jimin-"why is your face red y/n?" he asked me, i hadn't noticed it but now i can feel the heat in my cheeks

me-"nothing" i answered quickly as the other boys came in and sat down, yoongi was still glaring at me

j-hope-"i'll tell you! basically y/-"

me-"noooo nothing happened" i said quickly trying to shut him up which only caused him and namjoon to burst out laughing and the others looked confused but only one expression scared me


an evil smirk starts to make its way onto his face

he better not

yoongi-"y/n decided to jump on me" he said which caused a large amount of laughs to come from the others

me-"i didn't decide to! it was an accident i swear!" i defended

yoongi-"sure y/n, sureee"

jin-"eat up everyone or it will get cold" he said ushering us

rm-"sorry, we will now" he said trying to stop himself from laughing at my now tomato red face

jin-"bon appetite" he said and began to dig in, the rest of us followed

jungkook-"this is sooo good!"

j-hope-"you should be a chef!!"

jin-"thank you! me and y/n made it together" he said with a proud smile plastered on his face

tae-"thank you" he said from beside me

me-"your welcome" i said before continuing to eat, i was so hungry

namjoon-"we were thinking of going out to get some things" he said while looking at me


namjoon-"and some of us were thinking that you could come too" he said which made my eyebrows raise

me-"a-am i allowed?" i said while turning my head to tae who had a stern expression, he had kinda taken on my guardian role you could say since he was the first to find me and definitely the most protective

jimin-"we will take care of her tae"

i stated at tae with pleading eyes until he finally nodded slightly

me-"thank you so much!" i said and hugged his side before continuing to eat

after eating mine and jin's amazing meal we began to get ready to go, not that there was much to get ready for

i changed my pad and looked in the mirror

'how has my hair gotten so messy?' i thought looking at the pile of hair around my head that looked as though it would be more suited to be a birds nest

it's probably due to me tackling yoongi like a pro rugby player

i brushed my hair and began to think about what i would need

'obviously food and water but maybe something to write on and with, towels, blankets, clothes' i began to think in my head as though it were a normal shopping trip

*knock knock*

my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking on my door so i quickly answered it to see who was there

jimin-"you ready?" he questioned

me-"yes!" i was having to stop myself from jumping up and down from excitement although i couldn't get rid of the wide grin that was plastered on my face

i used to go shopping all the time with my friends when i was staying at my parents house or even when i was here with the family that were taking care of me

jimin-"let's go then" he says while gently shoving me forwards as i had clearly not gotten the gist of what he was saying

we began walking next to each other towards the rest of the boys who were all stood together, some where tying their shoe laces, some where putting on the backpacks while the others were just waiting

noticing my backpack on the side table next to the door, i grabbed it and put it on so i would be able to put more things in since it wasn't very full as i had already put the food into the kitchen and my things into my room

rm-"let's go then" he says and we all begin to follow him out to the car, except jin as he is locking the house door

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