Chapter 3 - God Serena

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Crickets chirping in the background...

That awkward moment when you haven't written anything in like 2 weeks...

Me: o.0

I'm back and I got a new chapter done! No idea when the next chapter will be out... I'm debating whether or not to put my dragon slayer fanfic on hold as I would like to focus more on this fanfic. This is going to be one of my greatest works yet! Anyway, enjoy the chapter and thank you so much for your patience.


Laxus, despite being a sickly and weak child who would have attacks every now, was still a very bright child. He acted like any other kid his age, he didn't let his frail body get the best of him. To the disgust and displeasure of Ivan, Laxus immediately clung to Acnologia who would always welcome him with open arms. There was something about him that Acnologia couldn't push away. Laxus brought joy wherever he went and was loved by many people.

His father would look at him with pure hatred and disdain. He would constantly tell him that he was just a weak little boy which would result in Laxus bursting into tears and would then run to Acnologia. Acnologia would always comfort him, telling him that he was strong, stronger than anyone he's ever met. After Laxus would stop crying, Acnologia would let him ride on his back as they flew through the clouds above Magnolia. It always brought a smile on his face and he would shriek in delight. Sometimes, Acnologia would laugh along with him but it was very rare. He still had to maintain his cold-hearted image. Deep down, he truly loved Laxus and watched as he grew into who he is now. Now an 11 year old, he was just as bright as ever and still brought joy wherever he went. His father took a turn for the worse however...

Gildarts who is now 18 grew to be a very chill and laid back teenager. As Acnologia predicted, the kid had immense power inside him and was able to learn crash magic which basically smashes everything the user touches into tiny pieces. At first, he wasn't able to control it and would destroy everything he touched to everyone's horror. But thanks to Acnologia's help, he eventually learned how to control it and destroyed things that he wanted to destroy. It took a while though. Gildarts somehow became an S-class mage at the young age of 18 to the surprise of just about everyone except Acnologia and Makarov. He managed to beat Ivan with just a snap of his fingers. Acnologia really wanted to roar with laughter but thought against it.

Today was supposed to be a normal day for Acnologia. His daily routine consisted of him waking up every morning and heading towards the guild hall to eat breakfast. He would then take a couple of jobs off the S-class job request board. Acnologia would get them down in record time and would complete several each day. He was just that strong. Laxus would look at him with adoring eyes and would constantly ask when he could go on jobs with him. Acnologia would reply with a soon, once you become an S-class mage. After completing 5 or so job requests, Acnologia would return to the guild hall to eat lunch and would then go back out to complete another 5 or so jobs. After that, Acnologia returned to the guild hall and ate dinner while talking to whoever was in the guild hall. Around midnight or so, he would return to his apartment near the guild hall to sleep. Acnologia liked sticking to his daily routine and hated when things would disrupt his routine. Today was one of those days where his routine would be ruined.

Acnologia woke up to hear someone knocking on his door which was strange as Acnologia wasn't expecting any guests. He hobbled towards the door and looked through the eye hole to spot a council member. Acnologia groaned, knowing full well what they wanted. He opened the door and growled, "It was not me." He then slammed the door in his face. As he was walking towards the bathroom, the council member said, "It's not about the recent destruction of half a mountain, rather, it's about something else very important."

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