stranger things: their birthday

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you surprise her by taking her to the skate park. after you guys skate around for a few hours, you take her back to her house, where you sent everyone to decorate to surprise her. she's so happy.

you take lucas to a far (ish) away city, because there were fireworks on his birthday. when you get back to his house, everyone is there to surprise him with his favorite cake.

you take him to the movies. at the beginning of the movie, you spilled all of your popcorn on the ground. he laughed at you. after the movie, y'all did the nasty in his car.

you took robin to your home and you watched her favorite movie. you had a sleepover that night and surprised her with a cake you baked yourself.

you throw him a d&d themed party, and got all of his friends to come to his new house. he's so happy, especially because it was over a break, so they stayed for a few days.

you take him to california.
you knew he missed it and you saved your money and flew to california. he taught you how to surf and you two fucked a lot.

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