A forever spinning coin

9 0 0

I am a coin.

Two sides.

Two different faces.

Still the same piece.

The same body.

One reflecting the daylight.

With joy and will to live.

With hope for the future and need to help those in need.

The other one reflects the moon's shine.

Filled with anger.


Need to kill itself.

To destroy itself.

Forever spinning.

Like stuck in time.

Just switching between night and day.

A maddening cycle.

Will the coin ever fall ?

Will a side be revealed and the other hidden ?

Am I really me ?

Is this what I am ?

A wolf in sheep's clothing ?

I can't control my anger.

Not anymore.

I have bottled it up for so long.

This wretched world falling to pieces.

The face in the shattered mirror.

A curse haunting me.

Keeping me up at night.

Making me grip my head.

Blinded by anger.

A feral rage.

My demons laughing all the while.

Feeling blissful over my torment.

Or am I something else ?

A pure man.

Who's trying is best.

Not really succeeding.

But trying.

No confidence.

Still trying.

Helping people go through their trauma.

Tail for tale.

A tale of someone that couldn't recover from his own trauma.

What a joke...

The coin keeps on spinning.








I'm losing it.

Spiralling downward.

But never hitting the ground.

Just like the coin. 

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