The Listener

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So what is your job ?

What is my job ?

Yeah what do you do for a living ?


Nothing ?

You heard me.

But you do something right ?

What ?

Well you don't just stand there and do nothing ?

Of course not.

Well then what do you do ?

I listen.

You... Listen ?

Yeah I listen

Listen to what ?

Everything my friend.

Everything ?

The people around me there problems there hardship the obstacles they face. I listen to this world all the sounds life can produce.

I am not completely sure if i'm following you.

Well what do you want to know ?

Who are you really ?

Me ? Ahah well friend I'm noone I'm a wanderer that helps people on his way.

A wanderer ?

Yeah i wander around and help people like an anchor they can grab to get back up.


I have patience and I use it to listen all these people around that feel like their heads are in shambles that feels their life is a mess that loneliness is a burden that pain is always there.


I give love to people that needs them.

Do you love yourself ?

I beg you pardon ?

You say you give other people love that you listen to them but do you do the same for yourself ?


It's fine to help people but you can't take the bullets for the others all the time. Who can take the bullet meant for you then ?


You know what i see ? A lost child that wants to gather people's attention that wants to help people so he doesn't feel lost and lonely anymore that wants to put a smile on others face because he can't smile anymore.


I see a child I see a man that is lost and alone thats is cold and suffering a kind soul to kind for his own sake.

Maybe I am I don't know anymore but all I know is that I want to keep helping people.




These are thoughts in my head that will always haunt me like two people fighting my heart is sinking lower and lower.

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