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To all the teachers who buried their dreams.

Why did you try to take mine away ?

To all the friends who decided to betray me.

What did you gain from that ?

To the stranger on the internet who went to war with another for a different opinion.

Why are you so pathetic that you need to be angry all the time ?

To my brothers and sister who live in the same country as me.

Why does politics make us see red ?

Do you really think your ideology is better than the one of your neighbors ?

How can you be so sure the guy you vote for won't be a monster once he has the power in hand.

To the famous personality of the internet.

Do you realise how brainwashed your audience is ?

They think they know the demon behind the mask yet they act surprised when it falls.

To the politician who swears to whatever being.

Do you even understand what you say ?

Or does your massive ego render you blind ?

To the old people who spit on the youth because of new technologies and a fast paced future.

Do you understand how terrible you sound to your loved ones ?

To the youth who blames the old people for political results.

Do you realize how much you are in denial ?

You blame someone else for your failure.

Because it's so much easier.

To all the people who regurgitate lyrics from a song without understanding its meaning.

Do you realize that this singer doesn't even understand his own lyrics ?

Go ahead punch that mirror !

It makes you look dark and tough.

But in reality you're so weak you can't stand the crushing weight of your own reflection.

Show us how different you are !

Be a shining beacon of identity with bright colors.

It's better than the black inside of you.

Give parenting tips to parents because you feel frustrated.

Give lessons to the kids when you're an adult who can't even set his life straight.

Invest in crypto money; it's the future !

So that when the earth falls to ashes you'll still have your stupid digital numbers.

Follow your dreams, it's so easy to live life when you succeed !

Trust the ten percent of famous people who won the lottery.

Passing it as hard work.

Fit in this box we built.

It's easier to have a label.

Be vegan !

Animals will die and it will be on your conscience.

Because the one eating them couldn't care less.

Lie to yourself.

That's the only way to be happy.

A woman has to be sexy.

Not a pack of muscles.

Diversity is so boring.

Men need to be strong.

Stop crying, it's so unnatural.

Kill minorities !

You're a cop, you have every right.

People will only remember you for that anyway.

Keep trying !

You're a woman and her kid fleeing a country invaded by a tyrant mad with power ?

Wait in line ! People are busy talking about a slap on a rigged event.

Be a criminal !

Justice will be soft and you'll get a little vacation in prison.

The people will scream at you and despise you but they're held back by their ethic you can just murder them.

It's only if you're the bad guy of a movie that people will love you.

Write a story about an alien that genocide half the galaxy for no valid reasons the kids will love it.

Create a story !

Play the victim in a made up story on the internet you'll kill two birds with one stone.

You'll ruin the life of someone stopping your growth.

And you'll become famous ! Look at all those stats !

Don't let the truth escape, we wouldn't want that made up story to backfire.

Film yourself !

Act wholesome during the video and be natural in front of the camera.

That way you can be a massive dickhead in real life, strangers will still hail you as a hero.

Keep acting.

Keep playing a role.

Be human.

Be disgusting.

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