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Tell me !

Why ?!

Why do I keep chasing you ?!

I'm sick and tired

I've been chasing for so long

But you only see someone to reject

Because like the others you don't care

Like the others you see me as a friendly guy

A random and nice guy

That you just ignore in the end

How I can't breath

How I waited for nothing

Dreamt of your lips

Dreamt of your warmth

And with shame

Dreamt of your body

I feel alone

I need you

I am becoming mad

More and more

Each day

I need to love

But you won't let me

I know I'm worthless

I'm just a nice guy that tries to take care of you but I'm worthless

I will never find you

Because I can never find myself

I'm sorry

I'm so sorry

My tears will just fade into darkness

I don't know where I belong

I can only see that damn smile

Oh so beautiful smile

I hate you !

Why do I suffer for you ?!

I hate you !

I love you

So much...

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