Promenade d'une vie

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It's beautiful outside

Why don't you go ?

Find your friends ?

Because i can't

I'm so alone

I feel so alone

I have no one to be with me for real

I don't want to talk

I just want to hold you

I don't want to see the other smile

But i don't want to see them cry

Cause i'm hurt

Either way

When i was young

I used to be selfish

Now i'm less

But i'm still weak

When i was young i wasn't really possessive

Now i'm overly possessive

I don't want to see you with other people

It's true i don't even know you

And we're not even close

But i don't want to see you close to them

Ok maybe i'm still selfish

Because i'm scared

Scared of losing you

Why i'm scared if i don't even know you ?

I don't know

I'm running out of time

I need someone

To hold me when i'm alone

When my nightmares chase me

Oh i remember my first kiss !

It was magical

I miss the feeling

I remember her face

Everyone was judging her

I didn't

Because i loved her

And then she left me

And i started to judge her with the other

How pitiful

How weak

I'm weak

I'm alone

Before my lit up screen

Imaginating stories

Of heroes

Who can save the other

Who can make people smile

But here i am

Sitting down

My hearts burn

An immortal inferno

That keep on swallowing me

The same plastic heart

The same empty soul

When i wrote ''Nise no tamashi''

I was the same empty shell

But i don't know

I feel different this time

I feel left off

Everyone is moving

I'm standing still

Everyone is smiling and having fun

I'm crying and writing this lines

Lines made of bloody ink

Lines forgotten by a numb mind

Every word i write is another i forget

Like a self destruction

I don't know

Why i feel like this

Why i keep on blaming everything

And never going forward

I miss you

It's true

I never met you

Maybe one time

I don't even know if you exist

Will you let me hold you

Before i can reach eternal slumber

Will you hear me out

Before i go crazy

In this darkened room

That contains all my nightmares

They're screaming at me

Never letting me go






All this words keep hitting me

When i sleep

In the shower

When the water is just

A geyser of pain

Flowing on me

Raining down on my soul

My hands are trembling

My body is shaking

I'm cold

I'm alone in the cold

I write for nothing

Just words that are there

To tell you that i'm not fine

But whatever

Nobody will read this

Nobody care for me

Nobody care for a broken mind

That keeps on crying

Never smiling

Why would they pick me up ?

If i'm useless ?

I am tired

I want to rest

But i can't sleep

With the demons waiting in the cold of the night

Drapping around me

Like a blanket of shadow

A neverending cycle

A neverending night

A neverending struggle 

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