Last, Lonely Night?

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Werewolves in the night, howling at the moon.
Vampires were looking for victims, like always.
This is a dangerous town. Especially at night.

But I didn't care.
I have no interest in the fights between werewolves and vampires.
After all, I have my own problems.
Thoughts and worries were rushing through my head.
I was always there for you, but were you for me?

I sat on the rooftop of a high building, looking down. Humans were running for their lives.
Others were fighting.
Others were hiding.
But not me.

I sat on the rooftop of a high building, thinking about us.
Cars were honking and driving fast, but the sound couldn't reach my pointy ears.
It was simply blocked out by my worries.
My thoughts and worries.

"Is the only reason you're holding me tonight cause we're scared to be lonely?" I asked myself.
It was cold. I was all alone.

The stars in the purple sky were shining together with the moon.
They seemed so close I could reach them, although I knew they were so far.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps.
Someone was coming closer to me.

What was going to happen?
Was someone after me?
Would I fall from this building?
Would I even survive that?

But what did it matter.
If I survived or not.
My worries were drowning out my happiness.

The footsteps were coming closer.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked behind me to see.
I was thinking about us.

And there you were.

Behind me, looking deep, into my sparkling eyes...

Song: Scared to be lonely - Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa

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