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"Take this!", she screamed, creating tons of bubbles which were coming my way.

The sun was shining through the water which made her tail sparkle even more.

I swam closer and did the same. "Take that!"
We both laughed.

The water was crystal clear, colourful fish were swimming in big schools and having fun. The ones passing by seemed amused by our little bubble fight.

"How bubbly!" a tiny little fish said.
I smiled.

"Hey! Today is the day of the singing contest! Sirena wanted to sing there!" Nixie suddenly remembered.

Together we quickly swam to the singing contest in the riff, leaving little bubbles from time to time.

As soon as we arrived, we immediately spotted her.

Sirena sat there and sang for the audience. She looked so beautiful.
Her purple tail was glimmering in the lights, her long wavy hair falling a little over her closed eyes.

"She looks so concentrated." Nixie noticed.
"Indeed. This must be really important to her." I responded.

Her voice was so clear, so beautiful she could make any man fall for her.
But we rarely do that anymore. Many of us thought this through and came up with the solution that it wasn't right.

When she finished, everyone applauded.
It was clear who was going to win this contest.

With a move with my hands, I created some bubbles coming her way.

A Glimpse Behind MagicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora